Friday, February 12, 2010

When it is one of those days....

Today is one of those days when I want to crawl back in bed, pull the covers over my head, and come out when the sun is shinning and the snow is gone! Do I hear an "amen" out there?

To make things worse, I did not sleep very much last night. My throat started hurting yesterday around 7:00p.m. and my head just kept pounding and pounding. I was totally surprised by this cold because last week I struggled with the flu. Surely, I will not be sick two weeks in a row!

This morning as I thought about my options, crawling back in bed or facing my day, I picked up my Bible and read John 1:1-5. As I read, I was faced with Truth. This passage states, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created. Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men. (this is the best part--- are you ready?) That light shines in the darkness yet the darkness did not overcome it."

This morning, as I read verse five, I just stopped and thought about the fact that light can not be overcome by darkness. No. Light always wins. Think about it--- you can be in the middle of a vast room that is totally dark. Yet, if a tiny little shines, your eyes immediately look to the light. If you are not sure about this tendency, go to your closet and give it a try. I believe that you will find your eyes drawn to the light.

To be honest, this concept of light shining forth in the darkness is getting me through my day. Darkness may be all around me--- it may even be represented in the way I feel. However, God's light, which not only lives in me but shines through me, overcomes the darkness.

Today, I challenge you to know that God's light, who is Jesus Christ, lives in you and through you. Even if the circumstances of your life seem challenging, look to the light of Christ. As you do, the light of Christ will overcome the darkness in your world. The reason why--- light shines in the darkness and the darkness can not overcome the light.

Well, I better go. It is time to face my day living in the light of Christ. How about you? Are you ready to live in the Light?

Love You!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2010--- In full Swing

Well, it has been too long since I updated the blog. This month I plan to fix that problem. So here we go---

January has come and gone. It was a month of getting back in the swing of normal. I worked hard on last minute editing for Reflecting His Glory. We are getting close to publication!! Stay tuned on that subject.

Last weekend I led a retreat in Monticello, AR. There were over 100 ladies in attendance. God poured out His Spirit as we learned how to have a New Year with a New You! The ladies were sweet and had open hearts to God's Word. Many of the ladies stayed after the retreat to share how God had spoken a clear word to them during our teaching sessions. Thank you Lord!

I want to share with you Friday night's focal verse--- "My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare." Psalm 25:15. This verse challenges us to place our focus on the Lord. As we do, we can know that He will deliver us from all the traps in our lives. On Friday night, I shared that one of the traps that many women face is the desire to be a better you. This trap keeps many women bound up thinking that they need to pull themselves together and just be a better person.

Friend, if I just described you, surrender to the fact that you cannot make yourself a better person. Any attempt to make yourself better will only cause you to further dig yourself into a trap. So what can you do? The answer to this question is found in Psalm 25:15--- place your eyes on the Lord. As you focus on Him, you will become more like Him. The end result--- it will be a new year and you will be a new you.
