Saturday, February 21, 2009

What A Day! Part 3

Last night Jay's dad came down and offered to watch the boys while Jay and I went out to dinner. (You can guess how long it took us to jump at that offer!) Jay and I had dinner with some very close friends--- Todd and Tammy Fletcher. Allow me to share a little about my friend Tammy.

Tammy and I had a "chance" meeting about 7 years ago. We were at a women's retreat at Camp Paron, Arkansas. I remember meeting Tammy and thinking that she was very sharp. We met again a year later at a scrapbook party. It was then that I realized that Tammy was also crafty. Little did I know the importance Tammy would play in my life.

Fast forward about 5 years. Tammy and I met again while I served as interim Minister of Education at Second Baptist Church in Jacksonville, AR. I remember my first official day on the job. Jimmie Sheffield, my good friend/mentor, had hired me to serve as his right hand "gal" during the interim process. (Let me say, God was so in all of that. My life has been so blessed by my friendship with Jimmie!) As Jimmie was showing me the church, Tammy was in the fellowship hall setting up for an event. As Jimmie introduced us, I instantly remembered Tammy. Over the next two years, Tammy and I became very close friends.

What I love about my friendship with Tammy is our common bond in serving God's people and soaking up God's Word. Tammy has an incredible call on her life to teach women the Word of God.

Tammy has written and is in the process of refining a Bible Study called Exposing The Heart. This study deals with the emotions of the flesh and how we can crucify these emotions in order to have a Christ-like response. (this is a major paraphrase) Tammy is currently teaching this study at her home church and will be leading a women's conference in October on this topic. If you would like more info on Tammy and her ministry, let me know and I will put you in touch with her.

Last night as we ate dinner, we enjoyed incredible friendship and fun. We laughed till our sides hurt. I know Jay and I left the night feeling so thankful for wonderful friends. Oh, and the food, it was fabulous. Of course, we will have to eat PB&J for the rest of the week. That's okay, it was worth it for the wonderful food at Brave New Restaurant.

What a day! Part 2

Yesterday for lunch, I met the most amazing woman. Her name is Stacey Smith. Stacey is the Program Coordinator for Prison to Purpose. Prison to Purpose is a Bible based program for women who serve time at McPherson Prison in Newport, Ar. What I love about Stacey and her story is the fact that she was an inmate at McPherson Prison. While serving a 60 year sentence, Stacey met Jesus and soon her life was radically transformed. God allowed Stacey to parole after serving 12 years.

As Stacey shared her story with me, I was struck by her wisdom and her willingness to go anywhere and share the Good News. Today, Stacey travels and speaks to women both inside the prison and outside the prison. Her testimony for Christ is truly powerful. I was so blessed to meet her and pray with her. Please pray for Stacey as she continues to serve the Lord. If you would like more info about Stacey and her ministry, let me know.

While Stacey and I were having lunch, she invited me to speak at the prison. I was so excited I would have gone with her yesterday! However, April 9th appears to be a better date. I cannot wait! "Thank you Lord for the amazing opportunity to teach Your Holy Word to women who are ready to hear about Your love, grace, forgiveness, and restoration."

I will keep you posted on this!

What a day! Part 1

I just have to share about my day yesterday--- it was amazing! It was so amazing that I am going to deal with the day in two different posts.

Yesterday morning began with a meeting at First Baptist Church in Mayflower. My dear friend and mentor, Jimmie Sheffield, serves as interim pastor at FBC Mayflower. Jimmie and I met to go over the final revisions for Reflecting His Glory.

Reflecting His Glory is a Bible study that I have written for women. The study is 8weeks in length and covers Romans 12:2. "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--- his good, pleasing, and perfect will."

I am so excited about this study. I finished the majority of the writing over the summer. Since that time, friends and family members have graciously worked through the study and provided much needed feedback. Jimmie has read through the study at least 5 times and served as my first round editor. (Thank you Jimmie!)

I cannot even begin to describe the journey this study represents in my life. I remember the day the Lord called me to write the study. I was sitting at my computer and thinking about a comment a friend had made to me following a retreat. My friend had said, "Andrea you should develop session 2 (which was the study on Romans 12:2) into a Bible study for women." As I sat at the computer a few days later, I asked the Lord what He thought about the idea. As I was seeking the Lord, I started to type. In 30 short minutes, I had an outline for the entire Bible study with names for each day's homework. I knew the Lord was up to something so I quickly fell on my knees and put my face to the ground. As I laid with my face to the ground, I surrendered to an unknown process that was bigger than myself.

Over the next two years, the workbook became my number 1 ministry call. Of course, I had retreats and conferences, but the workbook was my main focus. I worked hard every single day. There were ups and downs. I wanted to quit but the Lord said, "keep on going." During this time, I never sensed that I was in it alone. God's Word was so alive and so clear.

The day I completed the Bible study I sat and cried. I thought about the journey and the fact that God had graciously and lovingly changed me through the process. It wasn't that I did not expect Him to change me, I did. I just never imagined the lengths and the depths of the change that His Word and Spirit would bring into my life. What a sweet Savior we serve. A Savior who longs to be in every single part of our lives. A Savior who loves us and calls us to be more and more like Him every single day. Thank you Lord!

As I sat and cried at my computer following the completion of the Bible Study, I once again fell to my knees and placed my face to the ground. While on my face, I gave the study to the Lord in a whole new way. Reflecting His Glory is the Lord's study. Even as I type this sentence, I find a sense of peace and rest knowing that God is in control. I do not know when or how the study will be published, but God knows. I do not know the steps that will lead to that place, but God does. With these truths in my heart, I find my place of rest in Christ alone.

Please join me in asking and expecting God to do more than we can ask or imagine with this study. Please pray for me as well. Pray that I will daily trust the Lord to work and move in the lives of His people for His Glory alone.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A quick hello!

Hey friends,
I hope this entry finds you doing well! Allow me to give you a quick update regarding the happenings at True Vine Ministry. On Monday, I spoke at the W.I.S.E. luncheon hosted by Conway Christian School. I had a great time speaking to the women (and three men) who attended the event. Mothers, grandmothers, teachers, and staff members made up the crowd and everyone was great! We looked at Psalm 33:20-21,"We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name." This passage challenged each us to wait with a since of expectation knowing God will work in our lives, hide behind the Lord instead of trying to make things work on our own, rejoice no matter the situation we face, and trust God's ability and desire to work on our behalf. Thanks to everyone at CCS!

The rest of the week I have been busy preparing handouts for upcoming retreats, writing an article for Women's Inc., and talking with Pastor's/staff members about upcoming ministry opportunities. It has been neat to see how my phone and email have been very busy over the last few days. You know, I never want to take the opportunities that the Lord provides for granted. I also never want to think that I some how made any of them happen. This ministry is the Lord's and I thank Him for the time He allows me to live on this earth and teach His Word.

With all of these thoughts on my mind, this morning I was overcome with a sense of deep gratitude to the Lord. Even though I was a bit stressed out with all my "to do's," I had to stop and praise the Lord. Often, I allow the busyness of my day to get in the way of worshiping my Lord. Today, I did not want that to happen. As I took time to worship, I was reminded that spontaneous times of praise are the best! "Lord, may I praise you more and more as I focus less and less on myself."

Today, as you read this post, I hope the same desire is on your heart--- to focus on Him more and more and your desires less and less.

I love you!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Moving On

Can you believe it is almost the middle of February? Time is really moving forward. Thanks to all of you who prayed for me last night. I had a meaningful time in Arkaldelphia, Arkansas. The weather was yucky but God's presence was good! A special thanks to all the ladies who braved the storm in order to study God's Holy Word.

This week I have been reminded about the sovereignty of God. Aren't you glad that God is in control? I am. I am glad that God is faithful to open doors and close doors. In both cases, God's sovereign control is evident. Today, I bow my head and my heart in order to follow His plan not my own.

Next Monday, I have the great privilege of speaking at the W.I.S.E. Luncheon here in Conway. The luncheon is for women who support Conway Christian School. I am looking forward to this luncheon as we examine our hearts.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Hello Friends! Thank you so much for your prayers. I sensed several of you praying for me as I spoke last Wednesday at Ladies' Lunch Break. The crowd was great. I think we had around 130 ladies. More importantly, God's Spirit was present. I am so thankful. Women's Inc came and covered the event. The photographer was very gracious and took several pictures. Lori Quinn, the editor of Women's Inc, provided copies of the magazine for all the ladies. I enjoyed talking to several of the ladies after the event and look forward to seeing them again.

Tonight I have a speaking engagement in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. This event is provided by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention and will be held at Park Hill Baptist Church. Tonight will be extra special because I will have the chance to meet several women who are planning a retreat that I will be leading in early March.

Of course, the best part of tonight will be opening God's Holy Word with a new group of ladies. We will be studying how to maintain a passionate love relationship with Jesus while living in our busy worlds. This is a session I always need to heart! Please keep tonight's event in your prayers.

I love you!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wednesday Lunch Break

This Wednesday I have the great honor of filling in for Marilyn Mathis. As many of you know, Marilyn has led a community wide Bible Study for 20 years. The study is held on the first Wednesday of each month. Around 150 ladies attend and lunch is served. I am always amazed at how much teaching the Lord allows Marilyn to accomplish in a short amount of time.

This Wednesday we will look at the topic, "Matters of the Heart." I invite you to come and take part in the study of God's Holy Word. The cost is $5.00 and you can pay at the door.

Please pray for me as I finish the lesson preparation. Pray for God to send ladies who have serious matters on their heart. Pray for God to be honored and for the ladies to have an openness to the moving of His Holy Spirit.