Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well, I did it. I joined the rest of the world by creating a Facebook account. I think it is goign to take some time but so far I like it. I can see how easy it is to get sucked into the Facebook world and spend way too much time reading other peoples thoughts. So, I am going to try to remain balanced by checking my Wall once or twice a day. We will see!

This is the last week of school. Can you believe it? Summer will be here soon and we will be doing all the great things summer has to offer. I look forward to swimming at the pool, cooking on the grill, and taking a family vacation. Due to the rain, we will be playing a lot of make up baseball. I hope we can get it all in before it is too hot.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summer Plans

Well, I set a pretty bold deadline for Free To Thrive! If you remember, I planned to have this new 40 day devotional for women on the go complete by the end of may. Let me just go ahead and say--- I have let myself off the hook. There is no way I can do a good job and complete Free To Thrive! by the end of this month. So, I am giving myself this summer (I hope by the end of June) to complete this new project.

I am really looking forward to the summer. The boys are older and I can take them to do more activities. Silver Dollar City, Wild River Country, and a local swimming pool are on the top of our summer "to do" list. I think we will have a fun summer.

Speaking of summertime fun---- I am writing my July column for Women's Inc. The July theme is Summertime Fun. This theme made me think how easy it is to plan all kinds of fun summer events and leave God out of the mix. Therefore, the article will challenge women to add a passion to know Jesus Christ to the top of their summertime "to do" list. I pray this article challenges women in their summer routine. I know I have been challenged by the concept.

Yesterday I had a phone conversation with Ron M from Brussels, Belgium. Ron is my point person for the mission trip I will be taking in July/August. Jay and I will be traveling to Germany in order to minister to missionaries who serve in Western Europe. I will be teaching the women's Bible Study for the week. Can I just say---- I am very excited about this trip.

As I talked to Ron, the Lord confirmed in my heart the primary reason I am going. I am going to let these ladies know that I love them and that they are not alone in their work. As I spoke these words to Ron, I could tell he appreciated them. At the same time, I knew the Lord was giving me a clear call--- "Andrea, go and love them." I will do just that. I will also trust that the Lord will give us an amazing week in His Word.

I pray that you are having an amazing week in God's Holy Word. Don't let the busyiness of life stand in the way of digging into God's Word and finding everything you need in order to make it through your day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Weekend Review

This last weekend was great! Friday night I traveled to the small town of Oden, Arkansas. Oden Baptist Church invited me to speak at a banquet honoring the women of their church. I had a wonderful time with the women. I was inspired by the people who attend this small church. Not too long ago, they were running 16 people on a Sunday morning. Now, they are up to 50! Praise the Lord. This summer they will host a VBS that reaches over 120 children.

Often we think small churches do not have a chance to make an impact. I do not believe that is the case. Small churches have a unique opportunity to meet the needs of the people in their community. I am thankful for Oden and their desire to reach men, women, and children with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Saturday morning, I spoke at a Mother's Day Brunch at Beryl Baptist in Vilonia. The crowd was huge and they were ready for a Word. I love it when I walk into a building and I can "feel" the presence of the Lord. As I got up to speak, the Lord laid a clear Word on my heart for the women. It was not the Word I had planned to share. Yes, it was similar but I was surprised by the Lord's direction. As I was sharing the Word I was trusting the Lord to make it all come together in the end. And of course, He did!

This weekend wrapped up my speaking schedule for the first half of the year. I will have the next month and a half off and then return to speaking in July. In the mean time, I am working hard on the new devotional called Free To Thrive! I am loving every minute of this project and cannot wait to see the final copy. God is speaking a clear Word to women and I am grateful He is allowing me to be a part of the process.

I promise I will update the blog soon! Check back over the summer and I will share some of the family happenings.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A New Project!

I am pleased to announce that I am working on a new project!

The new project is called Free To Thrive! I am so excited to tell you all about this new resource. Free To Thrive! is a 40 day devotion designed for women on the go. Each devotion provides spiritual meat for women who long to grow spiritually but only have a few minutes to spend in the Word. In fact, each devotion is designed to take 8 minutes or less!

Here is a portion of the intro page: (This is still in rough draft form!)

"The formula for this devotion is simple. Each day you will be asked to Read It!, Think About It!, and Respond To It! This simple approach allows you to take a close look at a spiritual truth and then respond to that truth in your life. The 40 devotions are power packed and designed to speak to the heart of those who long to have freedom in their lives. Galatians 5:1 provides the key point for this study. It states, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

Galatians 5:1 teaches that freedom is available today! In fact, Jesus valued your freedom so much that He gave His life in order to secure it. This truth should cause you to stop and think. No longer do you have to remain bound up in slavery. Freedom has been purchased and is offered to you.

In your walk with Christ, the choice between slavery and freedom is yours. Will you apply the freedom that Christ offers or will you remain in the slavery the world creates? Free to Thrive! invites you to choose freedom every single day of the week."

I hope to have this devotion finished by the end of May. (YIKES that is soon!) If you would like to be a part of the test group, please let me know. I will need around 5-7 ladies to work through each devotion and provide feedback.

On another note, I want you to know that I love you and I am praying for you today. Allow me to share a verse of scripture with you--- "He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty." Psalm 91:1. You know what I love about this verse? Dwelling leads to rest. So today, if you need a little rest in your heart and in your life, dwell in the presence of our Almighty God!