Thursday, March 17, 2011

Peace in the midst of a crazy storm!

Oh, where to begin?? It has been one of those crazy weeks. Things started out amazing. On Sunday, I had the chance to join my pastor during the sermon in order to help unpack the topic: Women in Ministry. What a blessing to share my journey in regards to this important issue. I planned to blog about this topic but the Lord had other plans for my week. Lord willing, I will blog about this topic next week. You can listen to the service at Click on the message link and then select "Women in Ministry."

Monday came along and I spent the day doing laundry (5 loads--- washed, folded, and put away!) I also took time to finish up my handouts for this weekend's retreat. I am so thankful the Lord prompted me to finish the handouts on Monday because Tuesday hit with a pronounced thud! Tuesday morning I went to Little Rock to have lunch with my good friends, Jimmie and Annette Sheffield. Following lunch, I received a phone call from my dad stating that he was taking my mom to the hospital because she needed a pacemaker ASAP! I was surprised about the call because I had spent the previous weekend with my parents and my mom seemed fine to me.

Sidebar--- perhaps you remember a few years ago when my dad was in a similar situation. Dad was experiencing a heart attack and was taken to the hospital for urgent care. My response to my dad's situation was pitiful at best. To be honest, I fell apart. There is no other way to describe my response. I could not think. I could not talk. I literally felt myself shutting down. In light of my response to my dad's health crisis, I praise the good Lord that I am able to report to you, that God has taught me so much in the last two years. Our sweet Lord has developed my faith. This development was demonstrated in my response to my mom's health crisis. When I received the call about my mom, the first thing I did was pray and give my mom to the Lord. I can't tell you what a relief this brought to my heart. I was reassured by the truth that God loves my mom even more than I love her. As I prayed, my heart clung to right theology--- God knows the number of days my mom will spend on this earth and everything that will happen to my mom while she is on this earth. As a result, I was able to present my request to the Lord for my mom's healing and then surrender my will to His will. Can I just share that I love spiritual FREEDOM! I will sing it from the roof top, there is nothing like living your life with an eternal perspective. Living for eternity rather than this world really takes our circumstances out of the drivers seat and puts God and His sovereign will clearly in the forefront of our minds. This is not to say that I did not have my moments, but praise God, I did not fall apart. Trust me--- God gets all the glory for that because I know my tendency and it ain't pretty! :)

Ok, back to my week in review--- Mom did not receiver her pacemaker on Tuesday. The doctor decided to wait until Wednesday. I left Conway on Wednesday at noon and drove to NWA to be with mom and dad. I arrived at mom's hospital at 2:30 in the afternoon. The surgery was scheduled for 3:00. LONG, LONG, LONG story short, my mom finally received the pacemaker at 1:30am the next morning. Praise Jesus, mom is recovering well and is on the road to a full recovery.

In the midst of mom's health crisis, my husband leaves in the morning for an overseas mission trip. Jay is leading a team of 9 people to the other side of the world to share the love of Jesus with men, women, and children who need to know that Jesus is the ONLY way to eternal life. Please pray for Jay and the team as they seek to share Jesus and set up a medical mission clinic. We are asking God to do BIG things that only He can receive the credit and glory for!

As not to under pack our weekend, I will be leading a women's conference this weekend at FBC Manila, AR. I love this sweet church. I have spoken at FBC Manila numerous times. I know the ladies and I love them. The women's ministry team at FBC is so supportive of True Vine Ministry. This is such a blessing to me and my family. FBC knows how to take care of a family in ministry. I count it an honor to serve this church and community. This weekend we will examine the topic Free To Thrive! Saturday will be jammed packed with the Word and I know the women will come with a ready heart. My prayer, "Lord show Your power!"

The boys will be in Harrison for the weekend. Jay's parents are picking them up tomorrow and I am so thankful! God is good and always provides everything we need to be obedient to Him. Aren't you glad He does not leave us on our own? He is with us! Today, I am taking this promise to the spiritual bank and making a personal deposit! I hope you do too!

Peace and Love!


Unknown said...

Andrea, I loved reading his blog. I felt like you were personally telling me all about it. The health of a loved one is always a time to pray as you have described, but sometimes that is difficult.

Andrea said...

Thank you, Marilyn! I think it was good for me to put my thoughts and feelings on "paper." I love the freedom that comes when I live my life with an eternal perspective. God is good!