Wednesday, July 20, 2011

FBC Nashville and Wellspring!

Hey my sweet sisters!

I hope that your summer is going great! Can you believe that August will be here soon? I am already thinking about back to school shopping and having a 5th grader and a 2nd grader. Time is going by too fast!

Things are busy, busy, busy at TVM. Here is a quick update:

Last night I spoke at Ladies Nite Out for First Baptist Church in Nashville, Ar. What a huge success! 600 women attended the event! It was a power-packed night and God's Word was so alive as we talked about how to reflect the glory of Jesus Christ in our every day life. Psalm 25:15 was our key verse--- "My eyes are ever on the Lord for only He will release my feet from the snare." My take home thought was that the people closest to me should see that Jesus makes a difference in me! If they do not see the difference Jesus makes, chances are I am reflecting myself, not Him! If you were at the event, I would love to hear from you! What was your take home thought?

Real quick, I want to look ahead to next weekend and tell you about a State-wide event hosted by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention called "Wellspring." "Wellspring" is a women's conference that is open to all women in Arkansas who love to study God's Word and hear about mission work around the world. I will be the keynote speaker. It is going to be a great weekend! There will be wonderful times of fellowship, worship, networking, Bible study, mission projects, and so much more! I want to personally invite you to attend. I really believe that God is going to meet with us and change our lives! The theme for “Wellspring” is "Unhindered." I love this theme because it reminds me of a crucial biblical truth--- Jesus died and rose again so that I can live my life free in Him! Freedom! Just the thought of it should cause us to stop and ask this question, “Does my life reflect a free life in Jesus Christ?" For every believer, the answer to this question should be a resounding, “YES!” The reason why is simple. We were created to live free or unhindered lives in Jesus Christ.

At “Wellspring” we will explore the topic of "Unhindered" by unpacking the following truths:
Realize--- We live from a position of freedom!
Reflect--- On the truth found in the Word of God!
Radiate---Our love for Jesus to a lost world!

Join me and your Arkansas sisters at “Wellspring,” July 29-30. I know you will be challenged by God's Word, encouraged by fellow believers, and equipped for God's work! Registration, hotel and conference information can be found at

Much Love!

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