Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wellspring Recap!

Well, I am going to be honest with you--- I am tired! The last two weekends have been intense. Between She Speaks and Wellspring, I have been very busy!

I am pleased to report that Wellspring, a State-wide Women's Conference hosted by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, went well! I had the honor of delivering the three theme interpretations for the event. I met so many wonderful women and God's Word challenged us to live an "Unhindered" life in Christ.

I will be honest with you and say that the Friday night session was a little rough. The truths were there and straight out of scripture--- deal with sin, run one race, fix your eyes on Jesus. But half-way through my session, I realized that I was trying to pack too much information into a short amount of time. (Have you ever been there?) So, I did my best to cut to the chase and conclude the night quickly. Thankfully, the Lord had given me a great analogy to use at the end of my session. I presented the analogy and it really communicated everything that I was trying to say. I know I was glad when I finally said, "Amen" and I am sure all the ladies were glad too!

Saturday was a different story. When I woke up, I knew the Spirit of God was going to move. I looked over my material and fell on my face before the Lord. I asked Him to change our lives and I believe He did!

The Lord had clearly told me to teach the Saturday morning session on who God is and how He longs for us to view Him in our daily lives. We looked at the truths that God is our Creator, Sustainer, Protector, and Provider. As we recognize these foundational truths, we heed Jesus' words of knowing the truth and allowing the truth to set us free. The outcome--- "What can man or this world do to me???" The answer, "Nothing!" Now that is freedom!

In the afternoon session, the Lord challenged me to teach Exodus 14. This was my first time to teach this passage. Not my favorite idea, but as I taught the passage, I saw God's hand of direction. The bottom line from this session--- God is going to lead us through our greatest obstacles. And as He does, others will see Him, instead of us! When they see Him, we have the chance to share the difference Jesus makes in our lives. What a powerful word from the Word!

If you were at Wellspring, I want to invite you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. Did God challenge you to Realize, Reflect, or Radiate? Whatever challenge God gave you, embrace it and resolve to make spiritual progress in your life. I am praying for you!!


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