Thursday, August 20, 2009

AM and Wives Mid Year Retreat

So are you asking, "What in the world is an AM?" If so, great question!! In Baptist lingo, an AM is an Associational Missionary. These are men who serve as leaders for the various associations in the state of Arkansas. These men provide, support, training, and encouragement for the pastors who live and serve in their area of the state.

Tomorrow I will spend the day with the AM's and have the honor of leading their wives in the study of God's holy Word. I am looking forward to seeing many friends and catching up on what has taken place over the last year.

The teaching schedule will allow for an extended period of time in God's Word. In fact, one session is two hours in length!! I am really looking forward to the day. It will be fun to see what God has in store for us. Please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and for me to listen carefully and speak wisely.

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