Saturday, October 3, 2009

Free To Thrive!! Day 4--- An Abiding Heart

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

John 15:5 is one of my favorite verses in scripture. In fact, this verse serves as the key verse for True Vine Ministry. Everything about True Vine Ministry is wrapped up in the truths taught in this verse. Jesus is my vine. Therefore, I find my nourishment and support in Him. There is nothing that I can do on my own. There is no good thing in me. I am the branch. My job is to respond to the vine. Anything that results from me or the ministry God has called me to take part in occurs as I abide in Him. This means my focus each day must be to remain connected to Jesus Christ. Spiritual fruit results from this type of focus. Without this focus, the overarching result of my life will be nothing! What a powerful Word from God’s Word.

One of the most challenging times to abide occurs when things are going well or things seem to be status quo or when you feel like you have a handle on life. These are times when believers easily fall into the trap of mediocre living. Mediocre living occurs when life becomes routine. As a result, little or no focus is required. Freedom is compromised when you live a mediocre life because a sense of accomplishment comes from completing your daily tasks. Naturally, this kind of life produces self-sufficiency and undercuts the abiding process. Mediocre living leads to a vicious sin cycle. Abiding only occurs when times are tough and you feel like you cannot make it on your own.

John 15:5 provides help in times of mediocrity. To break the cycle of mediocre living, an intense inspection of one’s life is required. You must determine the areas of life where you have relied on your strength and in the process forsaken your vine. Once you have identified these areas, prayerfully consider how God wants you to reconnect with the vine. Perhaps you need to step out of your comfort zone and in the process relearn how to live out of His strength not your own. Or, you may need to daily ask the Lord to help you abide in the areas where you tend to live independently. Whatever God leads you to do, abide in that direction and know that freedom is on the way.

Do you find yourself living a mediocre life?

What is God calling you to do in order to break the sin cycle of mediocre living?

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