Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Review

Thank you for your prayers regarding the retreat! The ladies from Mt. Zion Baptist Church were awesome. The genuine love and care within the group blessed and encouraged my heart. Thanks ladies. I will continue to pray for you and look forward to the time when we can get together again and study God's amazing, life changing Word!

With this retreat complete, I am officially back in the swing of ministry. November and December provided a much-needed time of rest as well as an opportunity to focus on my family. While I am always thankful for rest and family interaction, the transition back to a more normal ministry routine proves challenging. Without a doubt, this transition back has been difficult.

Have you ever been there? Wanting desperately to focus on the God size task ahead, yet lacking the ability to do so? I think we all have. God in His grace meets us at places like these and reminds each of us to look to Him. While the choice is ours, the invitation remains clear, "Come to me and I will give you rest."

Throughout my crazy week last week, I had the choice to go to the Lord and lay my divided heart before Him. Unfortunately, it took most of my week to come to a place of desperation. Oh, don't get me wrong, early in the week I was desperate. Just desperate for the wrong thing. On Monday and Tuesday, I was desperate to fix my lack of focus. By Wednesday, I was trying everything to pull myself together so I could feel ready to do the work God had called me to do. Thursday was pretty much a blur spiritually. On Friday, I came to the point of knowing that I would never be ready if it was based on my abilities. Thankfully, the Lord in His grace, reminded me that I will never be able to ready myself for His work, only He can make me ready. Suddenly, my choice became clear, I had to recognize my inability and rest in His great ability. Thank You Lord!

This week if you feel divided become desperate for Him. I know of no better cure for a divided heart and a scattered mind than a desperate desire for the Lord.

I am praying for you!

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