Do you ever have one of those days when you need a little encouragement? I was having one of those days yesterday. Let me just go on record and say that yesterday was an all around "blah" kind of day! I did not feel well, I was exhausted because I not gotten much sleep the previous night, and the new Women's Inc Magazine hit the stands and I felt like my article made no sense! (Great time to do a last minute check!) It was just one of those days! I was grumpy, tired, anxious, and generally in a bad mood.
To make things worse, I was suppose to spend yesterday preparing for a speaking engagement that is coming up this Saturday. As I sat at my computer, I could not get focused. I tried everything---prayer, praise and worship, even extra Bible reading. But on a day like yesterday, nothing seemed to work. All day I wanted to throw my hands in the air and yell, "I quit!"
Then in the afternoon I received an email from a friend. The email was totally out of the blue and certainly unexpected. The email simply read--- "I just love your blog and am so glad God laid it upon your heart to create it. I love the Romans 8:28 blog on April 20th. I’ve been feeling down lately... and I know I shouldn’t. I’ve certainly let Satan slip in several times down this road we’re traveling and I know in my heart that God has a purpose. I keep seeing little “pick-me-ups” here and there and know that God is saying everything will be fine if we just trust in Him. Your blog on this verse was a great uplift!! Thanks for all you do with your ministry."
Wow! I really needed an electronic hug and I got one. I also needed the reminder that Romans 8:28 provides, All things work together for good--- even bad days!
Today has been a much better day. I was able to get a good start on the speaking outline for this weekend. More importantly, the Lord kept my eyes focused on Him not my feelings. Thank you Lord for that!
I do have one funny thing to tell you--- I picked Andrew up from pre-school this morning and he looked at me and said, "mom, you need to shave your whiskers." hmmmmm, I will have to check on that!
I hope you are having a good day!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Boys and Baseball!
Baseball season is in full swing and I love it! I love everything about baseball--- the boys learning how to work together as a team, the parents cheering them on, and the thrill of a win. Speaking of a win, Jake's team got their first "W" last night. It was so much fun!
Jake plays catcher and he did a great job defending home plate. He also had three great hits. One hit went to the fence and he made it all the way to third base. I believe they call that a triple in baseball lingo. I do not know who was more excited, Jake or me! In fact, when I was putting Jake to bed, he mentioned how I was jumping up and down while he was running the bases. I guess I do get a little excited but I think of it as a good work out plan!
Andrew kicks off his baseball career next weekend. Of course, he is playing the kinder gentler T Ball but it will still be fun to cheer him on.
As I think about boys and baseball, I want to share a thought from the Women's Inc article that I am currently working on. The topic of the magazine is men and I wrote about the importance of lifting up our men with the words we use.
This article was challenging for me to write because it called for me to be very honest. Why is it so hard for us to lift up the men in our lives? Perhaps pride plays a key role in the interfering process. Pride keeps our eyes on ourselves and our perceived needs.
In contrast to pride, we find humility. Humility focuses on the other person in the process and challenges us to first think about their needs. Philippians 2:3-4 states, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others." Looking to the interest of others is hard. Why? As sinful fallen people, we look out for number one. This is true even in our marriages and our parenting routine. Often women dig in their heals and refuse to meet another persons needs until they perceive that their needs have been met. Scripture confronts this type of living and calls it sinful.
How can we meet the needs of the men in our lives? Allow me to share a few thoughts that have been helpful to me:
This week I am praying and asking the Lord to help me function out of humility. I invite you to join me in this process. As you do, feel free to post about your experience. I will be praying for you!
Jake plays catcher and he did a great job defending home plate. He also had three great hits. One hit went to the fence and he made it all the way to third base. I believe they call that a triple in baseball lingo. I do not know who was more excited, Jake or me! In fact, when I was putting Jake to bed, he mentioned how I was jumping up and down while he was running the bases. I guess I do get a little excited but I think of it as a good work out plan!
Andrew kicks off his baseball career next weekend. Of course, he is playing the kinder gentler T Ball but it will still be fun to cheer him on.
As I think about boys and baseball, I want to share a thought from the Women's Inc article that I am currently working on. The topic of the magazine is men and I wrote about the importance of lifting up our men with the words we use.
This article was challenging for me to write because it called for me to be very honest. Why is it so hard for us to lift up the men in our lives? Perhaps pride plays a key role in the interfering process. Pride keeps our eyes on ourselves and our perceived needs.
In contrast to pride, we find humility. Humility focuses on the other person in the process and challenges us to first think about their needs. Philippians 2:3-4 states, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others." Looking to the interest of others is hard. Why? As sinful fallen people, we look out for number one. This is true even in our marriages and our parenting routine. Often women dig in their heals and refuse to meet another persons needs until they perceive that their needs have been met. Scripture confronts this type of living and calls it sinful.
How can we meet the needs of the men in our lives? Allow me to share a few thoughts that have been helpful to me:
- Pray for Them!: Pray daily for the men in your life. Pray for your husband to love Jesus with all of his heart. Pray for your son to be a man of integrity.
- Brag about Them!: Brag about your guys to the important people in their lives. A few examples include your husbands parents and your sons close friends. Don’t forget to brag to your close friends and family members too.
- Support Them!: Support the decisions your husband makes. Do not undermine your husband in front of your children or wait for the chance to tell your husband, “I told you so.” Give your son space to make decisions in his life. Encourage your son in the decisions he has made even if they do not work out.
- Respect Them!: Men’s number one need is respect. Respect involves giving special attention to someone or holding a person in high regard. One way to respect your husband involves making a special effort to meet his needs. As you make this effort, do not tell him what you are doing. Instead, make the effort not expecting anything in return. For your son, respect him by granting him the opportunity to be the person God has called him to be. Do not force your plans, dreams, and desires onto his life. Rather, allow your son the chance to follow the Lord’s leading in his life.
This week I am praying and asking the Lord to help me function out of humility. I invite you to join me in this process. As you do, feel free to post about your experience. I will be praying for you!
Monday, April 20, 2009
God's Good Will
This morning during my quiet time I was reminded about the goodness of our God. I was studying Romans chapters 7 and 8. I came to Romans 8:28 and this familiar verse fell on me with a freshness that I found surprising. Romans 8:28 states, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
If you are like me, you have heard this verse so many times that it tends to become routine. But today, I want to challenge you to hear this verse with a new resolve. Allow me to share a few thoughts about this verse.
If you are like me, you have heard this verse so many times that it tends to become routine. But today, I want to challenge you to hear this verse with a new resolve. Allow me to share a few thoughts about this verse.
- "And we know"--- The fact that we can know that God is real, that He loves us, and that He has a clear plan for our lives, should bring a level of peace into our hearts and minds as we face unknown situations and circumstances in our lives. This fact brings peace to my heart as I currently face my own set of unknowns. If I can be very honest, and I know that I can, unknowns can bring a sense of stress, anxiety, and apprehension into my walk with the Lord. I will admit that I know what it is like to lay awake at night and think about all the "what ifs." Today, I choose to stand against this sinful habit and know that God is real, that He loves me, and that He has a plan for my life.
- "that in all things"--- The next phrase brings a deep sigh of relief in my heart. The concept of all things working together for a bigger purpose is truly amazing. Simply put, God is not limited by you or by me. Praise His holy name! God is in control and there is nothing you or I can do to mess Him up. If so, He would be dependent upon us rather than us being dependent up on Him. I love the fact that God is big. Look at the picture of God in the garden with Adam and Eve. Even though Adam and Eve messed up, who was in control??? God. You see, from the beginning, God had a plan. God was in control of every detail. As I think and wonder about the unknowns in my life, I can know that in all things God is working and moving. There is no area in my life where God is not attentive and aware of the things going on in my life.
- "God works"---Not only is God aware of the things going on in life, He is working and moving in our lives. Yes, even the unknowns that keep us uncomfortable and in desperate need for Him, God is moving. Allow this concept to bring peace into your questioning heart. God is at work in your life and He is at work right now. Why don't you take a few moments and thank Him for the work He is doing in your life. If you are facing an unknown situation, take that situation to the Lord and ask Him to help you see it from His perspective not your own.
- "for the good"--- When God works He works for good. This is a Biblical concept that we can stake our claim on. No matter what is going on in life, in God's eyes, it can and will be for a good purpose. This truth is written all over the pages of God's Holy Word. Even in the most desperate of times, God is working for good. The good will of God is often seen in our lives as we walk through unknown situations and circumstances, claiming a promise from God's Word, and as a result coming to a deeper abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. You see, the very purpose of our time on earth is not to make a name for ourselves or experience all that the world has to offer. Rather, our time on this earth is designed to bring us to the place where we are conformed to the very image of Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:29) Therefore, every situation that we face becomes a good work of God as we recognize that God is calling us to look more like to Him, act more like Him, and reflect His very work in our lives.
- "of those who love and have been called according to his purpose"---The final phrase from Romans 8:28, represents our part in the puzzle. We are the called of God. We have been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ and as a result we are loved and used for His glory alone. In the face of unknown situations and circumstances, this truth should ring in our ears. We are the loved of God. We are the called of God. As a result, we need to make our lives about the unfolding story of God. This focus changes everything as we begin to seek Him in a way that causes us to abandon our very selves. As we seek His name and His story, we find complete freedom to live our lives with a new sense of focus as we make everything about Him. When this occurs, the way we pray changes---"Lord, not my will, but Thy will be done." When this occurs, the way we look at people changes--- "Lord, use me to teach them about You." When this occurs, the way we look at the unknowns in our lives changes. In fact, the unkowns are no longer in control of our lives as we see everything through God's perspective--- "Lord, whether you move this way or that way, I praise Your Name!"
So today, as you go about your day, hear the words of the Lord, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose." Dear sister, please know that I am praying for you this day.
As I close this post, I want to invite you to leave your thoughts about Romans 8:28.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
McPherson Prison
Yesterday I spent the day at McPherson Prison in Newport, Arkansas. The day began very early. I left my home around 4:45am and picked up my friend Tammy Fletcher in Beebe. We arrived at the prison at 6:45. We entered the prison and went through the process of checking in. Once cleared, we made our way to the P.A.L. barrack.
As we entered the barrack, the lights were out but the Spirit of God was bright. The women were singing praise and worship songs and I instantly felt at home. As I watched the women worshiping the Lord, I felt tears gather in my eyes. I was overwhelmed because I saw and heard genuine worship. Not the kind of worship that I often see in the free world but worship that is born out of desperation. Women were on their knees with their faces to the ground. Others were lifting up their hands and crying out to God. What a moving sight!
The morning went by quickly with teaching by Chaplin Dewitt. Around 11:30 the women lined up to go to lunch. Tammy and I were in for the full experience as we took our place in line and headed to the lunch room. If I can be very honest, the food was truly awful. What amazed me was that several of the women said it was a "good day" regarding the food. My my, I am spoiled.
Following lunch, Tammy and I had the great honor of visiting other areas of the prison and ministering to the women through prayer. God ordained some incredible visits and I was just in awe of the women He brought across our paths. One area we went in was called the in take area. This is the area where new prisoners are housed until they are placed in a more permanent location. The women in this area were open for prayer because they were still trying to grasp their current situation in life. We prayed with two women but soon had to leave.
In the afternoon, Tammy and I had the chance to teach God's Word. The women were open and hungry for spiritual food. I spoke on Psalm 25:15. This verse states, "My eyes are ever on the Lord for only He will release my feet from the snare." This verse, penned by David, challenges believers to examine their focus in life. In a sense--- asking the questions, "What are we looking to?" and "What are we looking for?" Scripture taught that the answer to these questions should be--- THE LORD! As I spoke, the Lord gave me a clear challenge for the ladies--- "If you are looking forward to your physical freedom more than you are looking to the Lord, you are missing the great opportunity to experience spiritual freedom right here behind bars." The women received this strong Word with an open heart!
Soon Tammy and I left the prison and headed home. I will confess that Sonic was our first stop following our departure. A cheeseburger and coke hit the spot after our long day!
Today, as I think back on the day, my heart breaks for many of the women I met. I think about the young women who are going to be in prison for the rest of their lives. Oh, how, I want to just wave my hand over their situations and make things better. I think about the mothers who are missing valuable years in their children's lives and I want to jump in the middle of each situation and make the hurt go away. I think about the women who still do not "get it" and I want to grab each of them and force them to understand God's amazing grace. I think about the precious lady who is spending the next 5 years of her life in prison instead of sitting in her Bible Study class at her home church and I want to ask, "why Lord--- why did this have to happen to her?"
Even as these thoughts run through my mind, I hear the precious truth of God's Holy Word deep inside my heart. For many of these women, prison will be the best thing that ever happened to them. The reason why--- prison will be the avenue God uses to bring them into a deeper abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. Because of this fact, we can know that prison becomes a place of hope and rescue for many women. What an amazing paradox we see in this thought--- physical bondage which ultimately brings spiritual freedom. Lord may it be!
Today as I sit at my computer and ask, "What can I learn from my prison experience?" The answer is found in the same truth--- often the difficult situations in my life provide an avenue for God to bring me into a deeper abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. This occurs in my life as I look to the Lord every single day. As I surrender to the teaching found in Psalm 25:15, "My eyes are ever on the Lord for only He will release my feet from the snare."
Dear sister, as you read this blog, the same truth is available in your life. As you fix your eyes on the Lord, you too can experience freedom no matter how bound your circumstances make you feel. In short, spiritual freedom is available and it is available right now. If you want that freedom, follow the teachings of God's Holy Word. Fix your eyes on the Lord Jesus and know that He longs to deliver you from any snare or trap that you have fallen in to.
As we entered the barrack, the lights were out but the Spirit of God was bright. The women were singing praise and worship songs and I instantly felt at home. As I watched the women worshiping the Lord, I felt tears gather in my eyes. I was overwhelmed because I saw and heard genuine worship. Not the kind of worship that I often see in the free world but worship that is born out of desperation. Women were on their knees with their faces to the ground. Others were lifting up their hands and crying out to God. What a moving sight!
The morning went by quickly with teaching by Chaplin Dewitt. Around 11:30 the women lined up to go to lunch. Tammy and I were in for the full experience as we took our place in line and headed to the lunch room. If I can be very honest, the food was truly awful. What amazed me was that several of the women said it was a "good day" regarding the food. My my, I am spoiled.
Following lunch, Tammy and I had the great honor of visiting other areas of the prison and ministering to the women through prayer. God ordained some incredible visits and I was just in awe of the women He brought across our paths. One area we went in was called the in take area. This is the area where new prisoners are housed until they are placed in a more permanent location. The women in this area were open for prayer because they were still trying to grasp their current situation in life. We prayed with two women but soon had to leave.
In the afternoon, Tammy and I had the chance to teach God's Word. The women were open and hungry for spiritual food. I spoke on Psalm 25:15. This verse states, "My eyes are ever on the Lord for only He will release my feet from the snare." This verse, penned by David, challenges believers to examine their focus in life. In a sense--- asking the questions, "What are we looking to?" and "What are we looking for?" Scripture taught that the answer to these questions should be--- THE LORD! As I spoke, the Lord gave me a clear challenge for the ladies--- "If you are looking forward to your physical freedom more than you are looking to the Lord, you are missing the great opportunity to experience spiritual freedom right here behind bars." The women received this strong Word with an open heart!
Soon Tammy and I left the prison and headed home. I will confess that Sonic was our first stop following our departure. A cheeseburger and coke hit the spot after our long day!
Today, as I think back on the day, my heart breaks for many of the women I met. I think about the young women who are going to be in prison for the rest of their lives. Oh, how, I want to just wave my hand over their situations and make things better. I think about the mothers who are missing valuable years in their children's lives and I want to jump in the middle of each situation and make the hurt go away. I think about the women who still do not "get it" and I want to grab each of them and force them to understand God's amazing grace. I think about the precious lady who is spending the next 5 years of her life in prison instead of sitting in her Bible Study class at her home church and I want to ask, "why Lord--- why did this have to happen to her?"
Even as these thoughts run through my mind, I hear the precious truth of God's Holy Word deep inside my heart. For many of these women, prison will be the best thing that ever happened to them. The reason why--- prison will be the avenue God uses to bring them into a deeper abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. Because of this fact, we can know that prison becomes a place of hope and rescue for many women. What an amazing paradox we see in this thought--- physical bondage which ultimately brings spiritual freedom. Lord may it be!
Today as I sit at my computer and ask, "What can I learn from my prison experience?" The answer is found in the same truth--- often the difficult situations in my life provide an avenue for God to bring me into a deeper abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. This occurs in my life as I look to the Lord every single day. As I surrender to the teaching found in Psalm 25:15, "My eyes are ever on the Lord for only He will release my feet from the snare."
Dear sister, as you read this blog, the same truth is available in your life. As you fix your eyes on the Lord, you too can experience freedom no matter how bound your circumstances make you feel. In short, spiritual freedom is available and it is available right now. If you want that freedom, follow the teachings of God's Holy Word. Fix your eyes on the Lord Jesus and know that He longs to deliver you from any snare or trap that you have fallen in to.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Heber Springs Baptist Church
WOW! Is the word that comes to mind as I reflect on this past weekend. I had the great privilege to travel to Heber Springs, AR and lead a womens conference for Heber Springs Baptist Church. I say WOW for many reasons. Allow me to share a few--
~ Over 100 women came to the conference!
~ For several of the women, this was the first womens conference they had attended.
~ When I arrived at the church on Friday night, the womens leadership team was prayer walking every inch of the building. As soon as I walked in the door, the women laid their hands on me and began to pray. I felt so covered by the Lord's presence.
~ Jay and the boys came with me and we enjoyed time with our close friends Casey and Felicia Stone.
~ My family was invited to spend the night at Lindsey's Resort. Imagine a cabin on the river it was amazing!
~ The women arrived at the church on Saturday morning with open hearts to God's Word.
~ I sensed a real freedom to share the Word God had placed on my heart.
~ The Holy Spirit spoke life changing lessons to the women. I know because many of the women grabbed me and shared what God was teaching them through out the day.
~ The day ended with all 100 women taking part in a time of prayer. It was truly moving to see and hear the women praying to the Lord.
~ I was overwhelmed with love from the women. In fact, Glenda Turley, a famous artist and member of HSBC, provided a picture for me to bring home and place on my wall. The picture is beautiful and will always be a reminder of my time at HSBC.
I praise the Lord for the weekend and give Him all the glory.
Tomorrow morning I will be heading to Newport, Arkansas to minister to the women of McPherson Prison. My good friend, Tammy will be joining me. Please pray for Tammy and myself. Pray for the love of our Lord to extend through us to the women of McPherson. Pray for instant rapport and a God size day. To Him be all the glory!
Thank you for your love for the Lord. May you be filled with His mercy and grace as you live your life for Him!
~ Over 100 women came to the conference!
~ For several of the women, this was the first womens conference they had attended.
~ When I arrived at the church on Friday night, the womens leadership team was prayer walking every inch of the building. As soon as I walked in the door, the women laid their hands on me and began to pray. I felt so covered by the Lord's presence.
~ Jay and the boys came with me and we enjoyed time with our close friends Casey and Felicia Stone.
~ My family was invited to spend the night at Lindsey's Resort. Imagine a cabin on the river it was amazing!
~ The women arrived at the church on Saturday morning with open hearts to God's Word.
~ I sensed a real freedom to share the Word God had placed on my heart.
~ The Holy Spirit spoke life changing lessons to the women. I know because many of the women grabbed me and shared what God was teaching them through out the day.
~ The day ended with all 100 women taking part in a time of prayer. It was truly moving to see and hear the women praying to the Lord.
~ I was overwhelmed with love from the women. In fact, Glenda Turley, a famous artist and member of HSBC, provided a picture for me to bring home and place on my wall. The picture is beautiful and will always be a reminder of my time at HSBC.
I praise the Lord for the weekend and give Him all the glory.
Tomorrow morning I will be heading to Newport, Arkansas to minister to the women of McPherson Prison. My good friend, Tammy will be joining me. Please pray for Tammy and myself. Pray for the love of our Lord to extend through us to the women of McPherson. Pray for instant rapport and a God size day. To Him be all the glory!
Thank you for your love for the Lord. May you be filled with His mercy and grace as you live your life for Him!
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