If you are like me, you have heard this verse so many times that it tends to become routine. But today, I want to challenge you to hear this verse with a new resolve. Allow me to share a few thoughts about this verse.
- "And we know"--- The fact that we can know that God is real, that He loves us, and that He has a clear plan for our lives, should bring a level of peace into our hearts and minds as we face unknown situations and circumstances in our lives. This fact brings peace to my heart as I currently face my own set of unknowns. If I can be very honest, and I know that I can, unknowns can bring a sense of stress, anxiety, and apprehension into my walk with the Lord. I will admit that I know what it is like to lay awake at night and think about all the "what ifs." Today, I choose to stand against this sinful habit and know that God is real, that He loves me, and that He has a plan for my life.
- "that in all things"--- The next phrase brings a deep sigh of relief in my heart. The concept of all things working together for a bigger purpose is truly amazing. Simply put, God is not limited by you or by me. Praise His holy name! God is in control and there is nothing you or I can do to mess Him up. If so, He would be dependent upon us rather than us being dependent up on Him. I love the fact that God is big. Look at the picture of God in the garden with Adam and Eve. Even though Adam and Eve messed up, who was in control??? God. You see, from the beginning, God had a plan. God was in control of every detail. As I think and wonder about the unknowns in my life, I can know that in all things God is working and moving. There is no area in my life where God is not attentive and aware of the things going on in my life.
- "God works"---Not only is God aware of the things going on in life, He is working and moving in our lives. Yes, even the unknowns that keep us uncomfortable and in desperate need for Him, God is moving. Allow this concept to bring peace into your questioning heart. God is at work in your life and He is at work right now. Why don't you take a few moments and thank Him for the work He is doing in your life. If you are facing an unknown situation, take that situation to the Lord and ask Him to help you see it from His perspective not your own.
- "for the good"--- When God works He works for good. This is a Biblical concept that we can stake our claim on. No matter what is going on in life, in God's eyes, it can and will be for a good purpose. This truth is written all over the pages of God's Holy Word. Even in the most desperate of times, God is working for good. The good will of God is often seen in our lives as we walk through unknown situations and circumstances, claiming a promise from God's Word, and as a result coming to a deeper abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. You see, the very purpose of our time on earth is not to make a name for ourselves or experience all that the world has to offer. Rather, our time on this earth is designed to bring us to the place where we are conformed to the very image of Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:29) Therefore, every situation that we face becomes a good work of God as we recognize that God is calling us to look more like to Him, act more like Him, and reflect His very work in our lives.
- "of those who love and have been called according to his purpose"---The final phrase from Romans 8:28, represents our part in the puzzle. We are the called of God. We have been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ and as a result we are loved and used for His glory alone. In the face of unknown situations and circumstances, this truth should ring in our ears. We are the loved of God. We are the called of God. As a result, we need to make our lives about the unfolding story of God. This focus changes everything as we begin to seek Him in a way that causes us to abandon our very selves. As we seek His name and His story, we find complete freedom to live our lives with a new sense of focus as we make everything about Him. When this occurs, the way we pray changes---"Lord, not my will, but Thy will be done." When this occurs, the way we look at people changes--- "Lord, use me to teach them about You." When this occurs, the way we look at the unknowns in our lives changes. In fact, the unkowns are no longer in control of our lives as we see everything through God's perspective--- "Lord, whether you move this way or that way, I praise Your Name!"
So today, as you go about your day, hear the words of the Lord, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose." Dear sister, please know that I am praying for you this day.
As I close this post, I want to invite you to leave your thoughts about Romans 8:28.
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