Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A bad day turns good!

Do you ever have one of those days when you need a little encouragement? I was having one of those days yesterday. Let me just go on record and say that yesterday was an all around "blah" kind of day! I did not feel well, I was exhausted because I not gotten much sleep the previous night, and the new Women's Inc Magazine hit the stands and I felt like my article made no sense! (Great time to do a last minute check!) It was just one of those days! I was grumpy, tired, anxious, and generally in a bad mood.

To make things worse, I was suppose to spend yesterday preparing for a speaking engagement that is coming up this Saturday. As I sat at my computer, I could not get focused. I tried everything---prayer, praise and worship, even extra Bible reading. But on a day like yesterday, nothing seemed to work. All day I wanted to throw my hands in the air and yell, "I quit!"

Then in the afternoon I received an email from a friend. The email was totally out of the blue and certainly unexpected. The email simply read--- "I just love your blog and am so glad God laid it upon your heart to create it. I love the Romans 8:28 blog on April 20th. I’ve been feeling down lately... and I know I shouldn’t. I’ve certainly let Satan slip in several times down this road we’re traveling and I know in my heart that God has a purpose. I keep seeing little “pick-me-ups” here and there and know that God is saying everything will be fine if we just trust in Him. Your blog on this verse was a great uplift!! Thanks for all you do with your ministry."

Wow! I really needed an electronic hug and I got one. I also needed the reminder that Romans 8:28 provides, All things work together for good--- even bad days!

Today has been a much better day. I was able to get a good start on the speaking outline for this weekend. More importantly, the Lord kept my eyes focused on Him not my feelings. Thank you Lord for that!

I do have one funny thing to tell you--- I picked Andrew up from pre-school this morning and he looked at me and said, "mom, you need to shave your whiskers." hmmmmm, I will have to check on that!

I hope you are having a good day!

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