Thursday, October 22, 2009

Free To Thrive! Day 13 (finally)--- A Limit Free Life

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
2 Corinthians 3:17

I love boxes, cubbies, containers, and organizers. Basically, anything that has a compartment. The reason is simple. Compartments make me feel like I am in control. Thinking, “this goes here or that goes there.” Unfortunately, things are not the only area I have tried to contain. God has also fit into this category during my life. This occurred anytime I said, “Lord, you can go here but you are not invited to go there.” Naturally, God did not subscribe to my way of thinking and graciously took the necessary steps in order to straighten me out.

A limit free life recognizes the truth that freedom occurs when all barriers and compartments in your relationship with Christ are removed. Paul states it this way in 2 Corinthians 3:17, “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” This truth represents an amazing paradox found in scripture. Freedom is not controlling your own life. Rather, freedom occurs when you are controlled by Christ. The world we live in as well as our sinful flesh often baulks at this definition of freedom. However, scripture makes it clear--- freedom is found in living a compartment free, Christ controlled life!

Each day you need to subscribe to Christ’s definition of freedom. When you wake up in the morning recognize that God is God and you are not. Start your day by establishing His authority over your life. Then invite Jesus into every area of your life. This daily routine provides a tangible way to live a limit free life in Jesus Christ.

What area(s) in your life do you keep off limits from God?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Free To Thrive! Day 12--- A Deadly Weapon

“Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name. Then the righteous will gather about me because of your goodness to me.” Psalm 142:7

God’s Word can and should be used as a deadly weapon in your life. The Apostle Paul described the Bible as the Sword of the Spirit in Ephesians 6:17. In order to be free, you must fight the sin in your life using God’s Word.

Sin results in spiritual prisons. Spiritual prisons come in many different forms. Often spiritual prisons fall in to one of the following categories:
•An unknown fear.
•A vicious sin cycle.
•A nagging past.
Prisons like these keep women lying awake at night wondering, “What will happen next?” “Will I ever be free?” “Can God use someone like me?”

The thing I hate most about spiritual prisons is that they keep me bound up and focused on myself. Have you ever noticed that before? Spiritual prisons cause you to spend more time thinking about yourself and what you need rather than the Lord and His desires for your life.

David recognized this tendency as he penned Psalm 142:7. Note the reason David wanted to be free from his spiritual prison--- “that I may praise your name.” David knew his prison was keeping him for fully praising the Name of the Lord. Therefore, David wanted freedom so that nothing would stand in the way of his ability to worship. What a great perspective to have in life!

If you and I gain the same perspective as David, we too will begin to hate our prisons. As a result, we will begin to fight for freedom. The reason why is clear. Our spiritual prisons keep us from fully and completely praising the Lord. I don’t know about you, but that makes me want to get up and fight! Once freedom came in David’s life, he knew he would have the opportunity and responsibility to testify about the goodness of His God.

Today, do you need to fight some spiritual prisons in your life? If so, begin by getting a vision of freedom. Imagine your life free from the chains that currently bind. Next, fight with all your might. Use the Word of God, which is your sword and fight, fight, fight. Find passages of scripture that speak to the prison you currently face. Once you find a passage, begin to memorize the passage. Speak it all day long. Write the passage on a notecard and carry the passage with you. Tape the passage to your mirror, refrigerator door, or the rearview mirror in your car. Whatever you do fight well armed with God’s holy Word. Know that freedom will come as you apply God’s Word to every area of your life.

On a piece of paper, list your spiritual prison(s)--- areas of fear, vicious sin cycles, or issues from the past.

Find a passage of scripture that speaks to each prison and begin the fight!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Free To Thrive! Day 11--- A Love For God's Word

“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

We all know what it is like to want freedom. We long for freedom. We ask for freedom. Yet, we often fail to do the one thing that leads to freedom! Jesus said freedom comes as you hold to “My teachings.”

I love the simplicity of this verse. Jesus does not give ten steps to freedom. He gives one. We can summarize this step in the following way. “If you want freedom--- follow my instruction Book!” Following Jesus’ instruction Book involves two steps--- knowing the Book and obeying the Book. In light of this, two questions must be asked.

1. Do you know the Book?

Knowing the teachings in God’s holy Book becomes the first step to freedom. The teachings recorded in God’s Book provide freedom because they express the heart of God on big and small issues of life. Knowing the Book occurs as you daily interact with the Book. Your daily interaction must be personal. You must know the Book so well that even when the Book is not in front of you, the truths of the Book ring in your heart. How much of God’s Holy Word do you have access to in your heart? God has given His Book to be a source of light in a very dark world. Believers must take the light and allow it to shine bright in their lives. This occurs as you read God’s Word and allow it to change the way you live. The outcome of this process will be truth taking the place of lies resulting in freedom!

2. Do you hold to the teachings in the Book?

Knowing the Book is the first step to freedom. The second step is holding to the teachings found in the Book. Jesus said, “If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples.” Think about this. Holding on to an object requires two steps. The first step involves making the choice to grab the object. The second step involves displaying an active determination not to let go of the object. Holding on to Jesus’ teachings occurs in the same way. First, you must daily make the choice to grab His Holy thoughts regarding your life. Second, you must display an active determination to hold onto His thoughts by allowing them to change the way you live on a very practical level. This means, the teachings found in His Book impact the way you interact with your husband, children, coworkers, and friends. As you hold on to Jesus’ teachings, freedom flows into your life and through your life as you learn to live by His holy Book.

Freedom can and will come in your life as you seek God’s direction in His Holy Word and surrender to it no matter the cost. Today, I challenge you to grab onto Jesus’ teachings and hold on for dear life!

Think of area(s) in your life where you need to grab on to Jesus’ teachings and hold on for life.

Are you willing to allow God’s Word to set you free by changing the way you think and live in the area(s) listed above?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Free To Thrive! Day 10--- A Tamed Tongue

“Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.” Psalm 141:3

How often do your lips get you in trouble? Have you ever walked away from a conversation and asked yourself, “Why did I say that?” I will confess. I have! Anytime I find my lips getting me in trouble, I breathe a quick prayer asking the Lord to guard my mouth and watch over my lips.

Words are powerful--- not because they hold power in and of themselves but because they reveal the state of your heart. Jesus said, “The things that come out of the mouth come from the heart.” (Matthew 5:18) This truth makes words very powerful.

The mouth provides an abundance of opportunity to sin. Critical words, harsh words, gossip, exaggeration, foul words, and words meant to put someone in their place are just a few examples. These words are not in line with God’s desires for your life and often become a form of self-preservation.

Each day you need to evaluate your words. Examining the way you talk to your husband, children, friends, coworkers, and self. Any time you sin with your mouth stop and confess the sin to God. Once you have confessed the sin, go to the person you sinned against and ask for their forgiveness. I can tell you; this more than any other practice, will cut down on harmful words flowing from your mouth.

Not long ago, I was on the phone with a friend. I was telling a story and exaggerated some of the details. After I hung up, I sensed the Lord’s conviction. I knew I had to pick up the phone and call my friend. My friend was gracious as I apologized for exaggerating the details of the story. Trust me. If you make very many of these phone calls you will think twice before you allow your mouth to sin.

Freedom comes when you speak God’s words not your own. This requires discipline and a sensitive spirit. The discipline becomes knowing when you are going into a potentially dangerous conversation and bathing that conversation in prayer. As you pray, ask the Lord to stop you when you begin to journey down a dangerous path. Then, when you are in the midst of the conversation, display a sensitive spirit and listen to the Holy Spirit. Stop the conversation when He says stop.

Imagine this--- no longer walking away from a conversation saying, “Why did I say that?” Now that’s freedom!

Do you need to confess to a person in your life and tell them you sinned against them with your words?

If so, are you willing to take this step of obedience?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Free To Thrive! Day 9--- A Christ Honoring Temple

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

When visiting someone else’s home, I often tell my children, “You are a guest--- be on your best behavior.” In mom talk this means--- be extra careful, do not mess up, and make mom proud!

Paul communicated similar thoughts in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Paul told the believers in Corinth--- your body does not belong to you. As a result, you need to be on your best behavior--- be extra careful, do not mess up, and make God proud.

Nothing displeases God more than sin. All sin occurs in and through the body. Vicious sin cycles like cutting, drinking, binging/purging, overeating, smoking, addiction, sexual misbehavior, stealing, and the like occur via the body. Spiritual bondage results from each of these sin cycles as the body provides the primary tool.

Freedom comes when you recognize that your body does not belong to you. You are a guest in someone else’s home. Your body is the dwelling or resting place for God’s Holy Spirit. The proper response to this becomes purposefully engaging in activities that please and honor the Lord.

Everyone struggles with some kind of sin. Often, believers act as if they do not. But, who are we kidding? Not God. Getting real about sin actually provides freedom. Think about this. The effort to maintain sin and conceal sin keeps many believers tired and on the verge of defeat.

Freedom occurs when sin cycles are broken in Jesus’ Name. In verse 20, Paul says, “honor God with your body.” The word honor means recognize and provides a clear path to breaking sin cycles. Every day you need to wake up and use your hands, feet, arms, legs, mouth, mind and heart to recognize the Lord. As you do, your body becomes a dwelling or resting place that is pleasing to the Lord. When this occurs you can know that He is in the house and that He is very proud!

Do you engage in a sin cycle with your body that displeases the Lord?
As a result of the sin cycle are you tired and defeated?
Do you long for freedom?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Free To Thrive! Day 8--- A Christ Centered Approval Process

“Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10

This verse is near and dear to my heart because I have struggled with trying to please people for most of my life. As a pleaser, I wanted everyone to like me and affirm the direction of my life. When it came time to make a tough decision, I often went to people around me for advice. Instead of filtering the advice through God’s Holy Word, I often felt trapped by the advice thinking I had to follow it or risk hurting someone’s feelings. This trap was tangible and often produced anxiety. Freedom came as I began to value Christ’s opinion over the opinions of others.

In Galatians, Paul draws a clear line in the sand. A servant of Christ will focus on winning the approval of Christ--- not winning the approval of others. Often the people we long to please are close to our hearts. People like our parents, spouse, friends, coworkers, children, church leaders, and boss. Freedom occurs in your life when your desire to please Christ supersedes your desire to please others.

If you struggle with pleasing people instead of pleasing Christ consider the steps below.
•Fast from others advice. Take a break from asking other people what you should do. Instead, use your time to talk to God.
•Saturate yourself in God’s Holy Word. Know His Word and allow the Bible to guide your decisions.
•Surround yourself with people who hold you accountable. Share your struggle with a close friend or family member. Be honest with them and let them know you long for freedom in this area of life. When you go to them for advice, ask them to ask you, “Have you prayed about this or what does God’s Word have to say?” If you have not prayed about the decision or if you do not know what the Bible has to say. Stop talking and start praying.

I can promise you that there is nothing quite like freedom in this area of life. Allowing the Word of God to become your standard frees you up as clear instruction takes the place of unclear opinions. No longer will you be bound up by an ever-changing system of thought that is dictated by the desires of others. Rather, freedom will become Jesus’ thoughts regarding your life.

The benefit of a Christ centered approval process is fellowship. As you turn to the Lord and ask Him what you should do you will experience a new kind of fellowship with the Lord as He becomes your best friend. Dear friend, if you are caught up in a people centered approval process, know freedom is available today!

In all honesty, whom do you strive to please--- people, God, or both?

Do you believe you value people’s opinions over God’s opinion? Yes No

If so, please explain how this tendency has compromised spiritual freedom in your life.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Free To Thrive! Day 7--- A Clean Thought Life

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Getting real about sin involves examining your thought process. Questions like, “What do I think about on a daily basis and how are these thoughts leading me towards freedom?” are crucial to ask. Overlooking your thought process is easy to do. This occurs anytime you give little consideration to the constant stream of thoughts flowing through your heart and mind.

The Apostle Paul recognized the importance of a clean thought life. In 2 Corinthians 10:5, Paul provides two instructions for reaching and maintaining a clean thought life.
•Demolish: The first step to a clean thought life involves demolishing arguments and pretensions. Three key words are crucial to understand.
oDemolish means to crush or destroy.
oArguments means reflections, considerations, and in some translations is rendered imaginations.
oPretension gives the idea of an aspiration that has yet to be reached.
A good summary of Paul’s instructions becomes--- destroy or crush reflections, considerations, imaginations, or aspirations in your life that are false according to God’s standard of truth.

•Take captive: The second step to a clean though life involves taking captive every thought that goes through your mind. This involves one crucial step.
oTake captive means to overcome or overpower.
A good summary of Paul’s instruction becomes--- overcome or overpower every thought that goes on in your heart and mind and make those thoughts obedient to Jesus Christ.

Wow! What an overwhelming task lies ahead. However, for women, this is an important task. Women need to demolish and take captive impure thoughts because women struggle with allowing their minds to be a cesspool for sin. This occurs when women allow their minds to go unchecked thus creating an unfiltered mind.

An unfiltered mind is a dangerous trap that always leads to captivity. An unfiltered mind provides countless hours of daydreaming, imagining, and wondering what it might be like if. Women often daydream, imagine, or wonder about a life that is not their own. The daydream might involve a different husband, a past boyfriend, an unfulfilled dream, or a different set of life circumstances.

Freedom occurs when you regularly demolish and take captive these thoughts and make them obedient to Jesus Christ. In a sense, when you turn on the filter of Jesus Christ and allow Him to say what thoughts can stay and what thoughts must go! The process of demolishing and taking captive is a life-long process. You will never be able to check this one off your list. As you demolish and take captive your thoughts, you will experience freedom as you rid your life of wrong thoughts and replace them with right thoughts.

Question--- Do you daydream about a life that is not your own?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Free To Thrive! Day 6--- A Serious View of Sin

Sin--- just the mention of the word makes my skin crawl. I hate sin and I hate the effect sin has on my life. Unfortunately, sin has not always been on my “bad” list. There was a time when sin produced a thrill inside of me. Little did I know, the effect sin was having on my walk with the Lord. Sin was keeping me from living a free life in Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament details the effect sin had on the Nation of Israel. In short, sin led to captivity. The lack of spiritual sensitivity on the part of the prophets produced a level of comfort in God’s people when it came to sin. This comfort led the Nation of Israel to conceal sin rather than expose it.

Today, you and I can fall into the same trap. This occurs anytime you conceal sin rather than expose it in your life. The result becomes captivity to that sin. Concealing sin occurs in a number of ways. Often concealing sin occurs when a believer tries to justify sin by saying:
•“It’s not really that bad.”
•“I will just do it this one time.”
•“Everyone else is doing it.”
•“It’s how I was raised.”
•“Compared to _____, I am not that bad.”
•“I am not hurting anyone, so it does not really matter.”
If you use one or more of these excuses to justify sin in your life, you can know that you are concealing sin. Thus, spiritual freedom is not evident in you.

Freedom requires that you deal with sin every single day. Exposing sin becomes one of the key steps to gaining freedom in your spiritual life. A prayer that I often pray in regards to exposing sin states, “Lord, shine your bright light into every dark corner of my soul. Please expose the sin hidden in my life.” I pray this prayer anytime I sense unconfessed sin in my heart. I then wait and watch for God to reveal the hidden areas of sin. I can assure you. God answers this prayer. The reason is simple. God longs for you to have freedom--- freedom that comes from having a proper view of sin. Today, I want to ask you, do you have a proper view of sin in your life? If so, do you daily take on the job of exposing sin rather than concealing it?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Free To Thrive! Day 5--- A Willingness to be Rejected

“So they shook the dust from their feet in protest against them and went to Iconium. And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.” Act 13:51-52

Acts 13:51-52 seems strange when read outside the original context. However, an important principal resides in these two verses. A principal that helps define freedom from God’s perspective. The principal states Godly freedom willingly accepts rejection. For women, this is a hard concept to accept. We are pleasers. We love to be loved. We love to be accepted. Often, we go to great lengths to try and make everyone happy and maintain peace no matter the cost.

In Acts 13, we see the disciples of Jesus Christ taking a different approach to rejection. The disciples learned early in their ministry that living for the Name of Jesus Christ would produce rejection. The disciples embraced this truth and as a result experienced the freedom to be rejected.

We see this freedom first hand in the account of Acts 13. Paul and Barnabas set out on their first missionary journey. They traveled to a place called Pisidian Antioch. Once there, Paul and Barnabas spoke in the Jewish Synagogue. Paul shared God’s story of redemption tracing the story from the time of Israel’s slavery in Egypt to the time of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Initially, Paul and Barnabas received acceptance; and they were invited to speak the following week. The next week the entire town arrived to hear the message Paul brought. The Jewish leaders became enraged with jealousy. Paul and Barnabas turned to the Gentiles and shared the gospel message. Many Gentiles believed. In the end, Paul and Barnabas were persecuted and expelled from the region.

If you are wondering how Paul and Barnabas handled this rejection, read today’s focal passage. Paul and Barnabas shook the dust from their feet and headed to the next town with joy in their hearts. How could the disciples respond to rejection in this way? Paul and Barnabas recognized the rejection was not personal. The Jewish leaders were not rejecting Paul and Barnabas. They were rejecting Christ.

Freedom came in Paul and Barnabas’ lives when they embraced the truth that following Jesus would cost them. It would cost them their reputation. It would cost them their comfort. And in the end, it would cost them their lives. Although the cost was great, the reward was even greater. The reward became freedom on this earth to live a radical life for Jesus Christ no matter what!

Today, do you need to hear that it is okay to be rejected for Jesus’ sake? If so, look to God’s Word and allow His Word to set you free. You can be rejected and still thrive. You can shake the dust off your feet and move on to the next stage in your life. You can experience rejection and still have a heart that is filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. The choice you face is this--- will you accept the rejection that comes from living for Jesus Christ or will you give in to the voices around you telling you to live for this world? May I encourage you to experience a little rejection? Then, shake the dust off your feet and move on!

What scares you most about rejection?
Are you willing to risk rejection for the cause of Christ?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Free To Thrive!! Day 4--- An Abiding Heart

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

John 15:5 is one of my favorite verses in scripture. In fact, this verse serves as the key verse for True Vine Ministry. Everything about True Vine Ministry is wrapped up in the truths taught in this verse. Jesus is my vine. Therefore, I find my nourishment and support in Him. There is nothing that I can do on my own. There is no good thing in me. I am the branch. My job is to respond to the vine. Anything that results from me or the ministry God has called me to take part in occurs as I abide in Him. This means my focus each day must be to remain connected to Jesus Christ. Spiritual fruit results from this type of focus. Without this focus, the overarching result of my life will be nothing! What a powerful Word from God’s Word.

One of the most challenging times to abide occurs when things are going well or things seem to be status quo or when you feel like you have a handle on life. These are times when believers easily fall into the trap of mediocre living. Mediocre living occurs when life becomes routine. As a result, little or no focus is required. Freedom is compromised when you live a mediocre life because a sense of accomplishment comes from completing your daily tasks. Naturally, this kind of life produces self-sufficiency and undercuts the abiding process. Mediocre living leads to a vicious sin cycle. Abiding only occurs when times are tough and you feel like you cannot make it on your own.

John 15:5 provides help in times of mediocrity. To break the cycle of mediocre living, an intense inspection of one’s life is required. You must determine the areas of life where you have relied on your strength and in the process forsaken your vine. Once you have identified these areas, prayerfully consider how God wants you to reconnect with the vine. Perhaps you need to step out of your comfort zone and in the process relearn how to live out of His strength not your own. Or, you may need to daily ask the Lord to help you abide in the areas where you tend to live independently. Whatever God leads you to do, abide in that direction and know that freedom is on the way.

Do you find yourself living a mediocre life?

What is God calling you to do in order to break the sin cycle of mediocre living?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Free To Thrive Day 3--- A Passionate Trust

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and more; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.” Psalm 40:1-3 (emphasis added)

"Have you ever been so unsure of your next step that all you know to do is hang on to Jesus for dear life? In times like these, you know that if God does not get you through, you will not make it. Truly, this type of life displays a picture of passionate trust. And, contrary to every feeling inside your body, passionate trust produces freedom.

King David knew about passionate trust. He knew about being in the depths of despair and God graciously saving him. David knew what it was like to have a target on his back and experience God’s deliverance time and time again. David also knew about falling into sin and reaping God’s holy consequences. Throughout David’s life, his experiences brought him to a place of passionate trust and humble transparency.

In our focal passage, we find David on the other side of his life altering situation. David made it through. How did David make it through? Psalm 40:1-3 provides the answer. David had passionate trust in the Lord.

For you, you may be in the midst of your life altering situation. As a result, you may feel bound up by the uncertainty of life not knowing what will happen next. Today, you can find freedom in God’s Word. Wait on the Lord. Hold onto the Lord. Know that the Lord will deliver you. Even if you are in the depths of despair, God is with you. Even if nothing in your life makes sense and by all earthly accounts all hope is gone, hang on to Jesus!

Certainly passionate trust does not happen in your strength or as a result of anything good in you. Passionate trust occurs as you dig deep in your faith and know that just like God delivered David, He will deliver you!"


Are you currently in a life altering situation? If so, is passionate trust apart of your life--- meaning, are you holding on to Jesus for dear life?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Free To Thrive! Day 2--- Kingdom Focus

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:33

"Freedom requires a kingdom focus. When you have a kingdom focus you take a step back and make the choice to see life from a big picture perspective. A big picture perspective involves seeing the events of your life from the context of eternity as opposed to your days here on earth. When you live your life with kingdom focus, your goals change. Your life is no longer about living happily ever after as seen in the world’s definition of freedom. Rather, your life becomes a passionate pursuit of righteous living. This occurs when you live your life for Jesus Christ no matter what. The result of living with kingdom focus is found in one word---- freedom!

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus provided His followers with a clear instruction--- seek me. This verse, nestled beautifully within the Sermon on the Mount, draws a line in the sand when it comes to kingdom focus. This verse teaches that you cannot focus on two kingdoms. Either you will live your life for God’s eternal Kingdom or you will live your life for the world’s earthly kingdom. In God’s eyes, you cannot live for both.

Living for God’s eternal Kingdom produces freedom because it challenges you to see life from God’s perspective. As you see life from God’s perspective, you realize God promises to take care of you. Matthew 6:33 communicates this truth. When you seek Him, and live your life for Him, you receive everything God deems necessary for your time on this earth. Therefore, you do not have to worry about tomorrow or the day after that or the day after that or the day after that. Instead, each day of your life you are free to faithfully seek the Lord. This seeking process becomes the very heart of your life as you experience His freedom and forsake the world’s bondage."

Today, may I ask you a question? Are you living for God's eternal Kingdom or this world's temporary kingdom. Your answer will determine your level of freedom!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Free to Thrive! Day 1--- A Biblical Introduction to Freedom

Over the next forty days, I will post excerpts from a devotional I am writing called "Free to Thrive!" This devotional is designed for women on the go. I invite you to join in the study via this blog and learn how biblical freedom can be a reality in your life.

Key Verse:
“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19

"Today’s culture needs a new definition of freedom--- a definition based on biblical truth. Often, believers in Jesus Christ, grossly misunderstand freedom by thinking freedom occurs when I do what I want to do and have the resources available to do it. According to the Bible, freedom has nothing to do with earthly things. The Bible teaches that freedom is found in Jesus Christ. Your freedom does not hinge on comfortable situations or circumstances. Nor does your freedom hinge on available resources such as money, power, or influence. Your freedom was bought with the precious blood of Christ. The choice you now face is this--- will you embrace the freedom Christ provides? I hope your answer is “YES!"

In order to live in the freedom Christ provides, you must surrender to Christ’s plans and live His way, not your own. You must have ardent loyalty to truth and look to heaven as your home. Simply put, your freedom is found in the spotless lamb of Jesus Christ. Dear sister, forsake the things of this world. Forsake the world’s definition of freedom and embrace the freedom that comes in Jesus Christ!"

Have you bought into the world’s definition of freedom?

Do you long to live in the freedom Christ provides?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Free To Thrive!!

Tomorrow is the kick off day for my new Bible Study called Free to Thrive! I am really excited about the new study! The Lord has brought a good group of ladies and we are going to dig deep into His Word.

Galatians 5:1 sets the tone for the study. "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Based on this verse the battle cry for every believer in Jesus Christ should be--- "I will not merely survive--- I will thrive!" Think how often you go into "survival mode." This occurs each time you do your best just to make it through the day. For what purpose---- so you can wake up the next day and do it all over again. Dear sister, Christ offers you so much more than a life of survival! He offers you a life that is full of His wonderful adventure.

Today, will you embrace a life that thrives? If so, you will have to forsake the world's definition of freedom (doing what I want to do, when I want to do it, and having the resources necessary to make it all happen) and embrace Christ's definition of freedom. His definition becomes a life that is totally surrendered to His plans for you. I can promise you that once you surrender every part of your life to Christ, you will no longer be in "survival mode." You will thrive!!

Friday, September 18, 2009


Last night I spoke at Hot Springs Baptist Church. What a wonderful evening!! The tables were beautiful. The food was delicious. God's presence was tangible. The theme for the evening was "Friends... rejoice with me." We talked about friendships and the fact that God places different people in our lives for different purposes. Rejoicing takes place, in heaven and on earth, when we surrender to this truth.

In God's Word we see four types of friendships.
1. Covenant Friend as seen in David and Jonathan. These friends hold you accountable in life. God's Word plays central focus in the friendship.
2. Close Friend as seen in the early church. The purpose of this friendship is to love and encourage one another in the Lord.
3. Casual Friend as seen demonstrated in the life of Job. Caution must be used in this friendship. You are in their life to set an example of Godly living.
4. Confused Friend as seen in Jesus' heart for people who do not know the Lord.

Below you will find a list of characteristics that are true for each type of friendship.

Covenant: 1 Samuel 18-20
~The Lord is the central focus of the friendship.
~There is a willingness to do anything for one another.
~Both parties recognize the authority of the Lord and as a result have a proper fear of God. This fear becomes the motivating factor for treating one another with Christ-like love.
~Comfort level exists between friends allowing them to call on one another day or night.
~The Word of God becomes the standard by which each party lives.
~Even in times of disagreement or tension, covenant friends ask tough and seek truth. Once the truth is found, decisions are made based on God’s desire not human desire.
~Accountability plays a paramount role in this type of friendship.

Close: Acts 2:42-46
~Both people possess a passionate love for God.
~Both friends obey the Word of God and hold the Word of God as their standard for how to live.
~The friends share more things in common than not in common.
~Both parties are willing to give to one another in times of need.
~Close friends genuinely enjoy being around one another and always feel edified after their time together.
~Both parties feel a freedom to be sincere or real with one another. As a result, close friends do not feel the need to be superficial or to try to be someone they are not.
~Close friends are fun friends and available in times of need.

Casual: Job 1 (Job had lots of friends when things were going well; Job 19 his "friends" took off when things went bad)
~Friendship based on mutual interests or similar life stage.
~Foundational beliefs about God, Bible, and moral excellence are not shared.
~The friendship functions at a superficial level. As a result, the goal of this friendship involves allowing this person to see that Jesus makes a real difference in your life.
~As you are friends with this person, you look for spiritual opportunities to share the love and grace of Christ.
~Boundaries are imperative so that you do not lose your spiritual focus as you interact with this friendship level. If boundaries are not set, this person will influence you towards ungodliness.

Confused: Matthew 9:35-38
~Lost or not attending Church
~Placed in your life for the purpose of evangelism and discipleship.
~Suffering from a mental, emotional, or psychological hurt.

Ask yourself this question--- "Do I have different types of friendships in my life?" "Are my covenant friends and close friends the primary influencers in my life?" "Do I guard my casual friendship so that I am influencing them towards Godliness instead of them influencing me towards worldliness?" "Am I open to confused friends knowing that God places them in my life so they can see the love of Jesus in me?"

As you are open to different types of friendships, God is honored.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Temporary Focus vs. Eternal Focus

As a believer in Jesus Christ, do you live with a temporary focus or do you live with an eternal focus? Your answer to this question determines so much in your life. I ask you to prayerfully consider the following lists.

Living with a temporary focus involves:
~ A concern for status and possessions.
~ A desire to live a problem free life.
~ A longing for security that comes from earthly resources.
~ A focus on gaining experiences that supposedly lead to a full life.

Living with an eternal focus:
~ Forsaking the things of this world for the glory of Jesus Christ.
~ Having no regard for your own name.
~ Embracing risk in order to share the love of Jesus Christ.
~ Living from a place of surrender that responds to Jesus in every area of life.
~ Cultivating a sense of urgency to share God's Word and hope with others.
~ The longing for your ultimate home in Heaven.
~ A daily dying to self.

I invite you to take stock of your life and embrace the call to risk everything for God's plan. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you are here to point others to Him. That is your mission. As you focus on eternity, you will find yourself naturally concerned with eternal things instead of temporary things. The Bible teaches that a day is coming when the temporary things of this world will pass away. At that moment, all that will matter are the eternal things of God. Today, I encourage you to begin living with an eternal focus. A day is coming when you will be glad you did!!!

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people and God himself will be with them and be their God." He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Rev. 21:1-4

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Scripture Memory

Hey Friends!!

I hope your week is going great!! Today I want to encourage you to train your mind with God's Word. I have been challenged in my personal walk to begin memorizing large sections of Scripture. At first, I was overwhelmed by this call. Now, I embrace this call with all my heart. You see, as I take God's Word into my life, I am changed. I am changed by the living active Words of God. These Words point out sin in my life and spotlight areas where my theology is weak or just plain wrong.

Not too many years ago, I would have been afraid of this process in my life. In those days, it was all about being right in my own eyes. Not anymore!! Now, I want to be right in God's eyes. As a result, I pray, "Lord, show me my sin and reveal my shallow views of You!" I welcome the work of the Spirit in my life because I want to know Christ and I want to live my life for Christ. Sin and shallow views simply must go and I must cling to God's Words every single day.

As you and I memorize God's Word, we are equipped. We are readied to face the decisions, tasks, and difficult circumstances that come our way. When split second decisions are required, we can draw on God's Word, which is hidden in our hearts, to guide us in His way.

I am currently working on memorizing the book of 1 Peter. I have the first ten verses of chapter one down. I know that is not a lot of progress, but I am thankful. Within the first ten verses, there are many deep truths taught. God's Word is rich and will change the way you and I live our lives.

I challenge you to pick a passage of scripture and memorize it. Quote the passage through out your day. When you feel anxious--- speak God's Word and experience His peace. When you feel your heart wandering--- challenge your focus with God's Holy Word. When you feel confused, heartbroken, or filled with joy, proclaim God's Word and know He is more than enough for whatever circumstance you face.

The motto for my life has become--- know truth; live truth; share truth. Step one: we have to know truth! I invite you to join me in knowing truth. Hide His holy Word in your heart and know you will be ready to face your day. And, along the way, you will know Him more!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

AM and Wives Mid Year Retreat

So are you asking, "What in the world is an AM?" If so, great question!! In Baptist lingo, an AM is an Associational Missionary. These are men who serve as leaders for the various associations in the state of Arkansas. These men provide, support, training, and encouragement for the pastors who live and serve in their area of the state.

Tomorrow I will spend the day with the AM's and have the honor of leading their wives in the study of God's holy Word. I am looking forward to seeing many friends and catching up on what has taken place over the last year.

The teaching schedule will allow for an extended period of time in God's Word. In fact, one session is two hours in length!! I am really looking forward to the day. It will be fun to see what God has in store for us. Please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and for me to listen carefully and speak wisely.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Summer 2009 has been great! I had so much fun with my family. Jay and I enjoyed a trip to Germany. Throughout the summer, Jay and I took the boys to do several day/weekend trips. These trips included: Silver Dollar City in Branson, the Memphis Zoo, a day at the RiverMarket in Little Rock, exploring several caves in NW Arkansas, lots of hiking, and swimming at the pool/ Wild River Country. Without a doubt, it was a great summer!!

Now, it is time to look ahead as we enter the next chapter of our lives. Tomorrow school begins and for the first time in 9 years, I will be home alone! I have mixed feelings about this new stage of life. I am excited because the boys are growing up and they are ready to tackle 3rd grade and Kindergarten. The free time will also be wonderful for me on a personal/ministry level. However, I feel a tinge of sadness because things will never be the same. That is okay, it will just take some time to adjust.

I have big plans for my new found free time. I am going to get focused. In fact, God has challenged me to get hyper focused. Each day I will have three tasks to complete. First, I will focus on loving God and His holy Word. Second, I will focus on serving my family and close friends. Third, I will focus on ministering to the people God places in my life. It is my hope that each day my activities will fall into one of these three categories. Of course, I am sure I will make an occasional trip to TJ MAXX :)

I sense that the next year will be crucial for the development of True Vine Ministry. Specifically, the year 2010. I plan to devote much of my time to this part of my life. I have a long list of books and material that I need to work through in order to challenge my current knowledge of God and His Word. I also need to complete a second Bible Study called Free To Thrive! (I started on this project earlier this year and look forward to returning to it.) Lord willing, Reflecting His Glory will be published by the end of this year or the first of next year. The Lord has opened up doors for me to begin doing some web based teaching as well. Scripture memory will also be on the top of my to do list. I am currently working on the first chapter of 1 Peter and hope to memorize the entire book. Regularly updating this blog will also be on my new to do list. I am committed to making this blog a helpful tool for women to access.

All in all, I am very excited about the future. God is so good and I want to spend every single day of my life telling those around me about His goodness and grace. Of course, I cannot do this based on my own strength and power. It will only happen as God works in me for His glory. Paul says it best in Colossians 1:28-29, "We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me." Amen to that!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Home Sweet Home!!

Jay and I are so thankful to be home. We had a great trip to Germany and want to thank you for your faithful prayers. Here is a quick recap of our trip followed by a few personal thoughts. Just a reminder--- Jay and I traveled to Germany to take part in the Western Europe AGM. This meeting was designed to encourage and equip the 400-500 people who serve in Western Europe.

~ Saturday: We arrived and settled into our spacious room at the Allgau Stern Hotel in Sonthofen, Germany. The view outside our balcony was fabulous. The Bavarian Alps Alps greeted us each morning and reminded us that all of creation cries out to Him!

~ Sunday: The meeting moved into full swing with powerful worship led by Chuck Sullivan and preaching by Mac Brunson. Mac is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida. Each morning Mac taught a portion of Psalm 23. The teachings were powerful. God used Mac's messages to remind me about my great need for Jesus the Shepherd. Following each morning session, breakout workshops were provided. I taught each of my sessions during this time. On the first day, I taught a session on Mary from Bethany. The session title was "A Picture of Reflecting." The session went pretty good but I struggled to pull all of my thoughts together. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit spoke truth no matter how I felt about the session. On Sunday afternoon, Jay and I took a Taxi to the local shopping area. We purchased Lego's and candy for the boys. That evening David Platt, Pastor of The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama, brought a powerful message from Exodus 33. If you are familiar with David's preaching, you know he is an anointed teacher who loves God's Word and recognizes the importance of living life based on the standards set forth in the Bible. Throughout the week, Jay and I were blessed, challenged, convicted, and inspired as David taught God's Word.

~ Monday: Same schedule as the day before. Mac preached in the morning. My breakout session went great!! I taught a session called "The Anything and Everything of Life." I shared with the women how I struggled with the Lord about teaching that session. However, God would not release me from teaching it. Later I found out that God used that session to minister to several of the women. Thank you Lord! In the afternoon, Jay and I went on a hike. We got caught in the rain but it was so much fun! That night David preached out of Romans. David quoted Romans chapters 1-8 by memory. God moved in such a mighty way that when the preaching was over, no one left the room. We just stood in the Lord's presence. Very Cool!!

~ Tuesday: Mac preached in the morning. I led a session called, "A Prompted Heart." The session went really well. The Lord took the session in a little different direction than I intended, but that was fine with me! Jay and I took a three hour bike ride and watched some local extreme sports. We then rode back into town and ate at a local German restaurant. Very good!! That night David preached from the book of Job. The sovereignty of God was the theme of the message.

~ Wednesday: Mac preached in the morning. I led a session called, "The Nothingness of God." (One of my favorite sessions!!) That afternoon, several hundred people took an excursion to explore a castle. The castle was the inspiration for the castle at Disney. That evening we did not have a group session. Instead, God allowed me to meet with an editor from Thomas Nelson. The meeting was informal and the Lord used this precious sister to affirm the direction I am currently taking in regards to the publication of Reflecting His Glory. Thank You Lord!

~ Thursday: Final day--- bittersweet feelings all day long! Mac preached in the morning. I led a session called, "Rejoicing All The Way Home." This session was probably the best session of the week for me. God's presence was tangible in the room. At the end of the session, I quoted 32 verses of Scripture. This was my first time to quote a lengthy passage of Scripture by memory. I enjoyed allowing God’s Word to flow from deep within my heart. It was a powerful moment and one that helped to define the kind of teaching God is calling me to be. In the afternoon, Jay and I went on another hike to a village not far away from our hotel. It was awesome. Our hike ended at a beautiful river just below our hotel. We took our shoes off and allowed our feet to soak in the cold water. Let me tell you, the Bavarian Alp water is cold!! That evening, everyone in our group took a hike to a huge building on top of a near-by mountain. At that place, we had a German style BBQ, an inspirational message from David, and the celebration of the Lord's Supper. It was a great way to end our amazing week!

~ Friday: We left the hotel at 2:00am and arrived home 26 hours later! It was a great trip.

A few personal thoughts:
~ The men and women who serve on the field are amazing. They are the real deal. Each of them faces the same fears we face in America. They have problems with their kids, struggles in their marriages, and fears regarding the future. We need to pray for them and let them know they are not alone!

~ God will not share His glory with another. We can think we are about Him and really be about ourselves. God faithfully redirects us anytime we make it about our name instead of His.

~ The fork in the road between living the comfortable, easy Christian life and the sold out Christian life that will stop at nothing to be a part of God's fame spreading around this earth, is always before us. Daily we must forsake that which is easy and comfortable and willingly surrender to God’s Word as we embrace the person He calls us to be.

~ Right theology produces freedom in our lives. God’s Word is our sure foundation. We can try to build our life on other things but only His Word will remain.

~ I must daily fight the tendency to think small. God is big. He is bigger than my small world and I need to stop thinking about myself. When I view life from His holy perspective, I immediately break the habit of thinking about my life as the focal point of the universe.

~ Sharing the Words of Christ is a privilege. We need to be open to Him at all times. Our hearts should desire to share His life changing truths with the people we meet every single day.

~ God is gracious and I love Him more, know Him more, and praise Him more than I did before I left on this trip. Thank you Lord for spiritual progress. May that always be the goal of my life

Friday, July 24, 2009


I leave in one week for Sonthofen, Germany. I have the great honor of leading Women’s Bible Study at the 2009 Western Europe Cluster Meeting. This is a week long event for missionaries who serve in Western Europe. Please pray for all aspects of this week--- safety, health, renewal and encouragement. I will lead five conferences. Each conference is taken from my Bible Study called Reflecting His Glory. I am so excited about this event. I know the Lord is sending me to Germany with His Word and a great desire to love on these ladies. I really believe that many of them feel alone. I trust the Lord will allow me the opportunity to let them know they are not alone! Please check the blog next week. I am going to try and post daily updates. Of course, that will depend on computer access. Even if I am not able to post updates, I value your prayers July 31 to August 9.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Big News!!!

Sorry it has been a few weeks since my last update. I promise things have been happening at True Vine Ministry. Last week I signed a contract with an on demand publishing company called Missional Press. I am so excited about this opportunity to publish Reflecting His Glory. I am currently working with an editor and illustrator. If all goes well, Reflecting His Glory will be available around October of this year. Please join me in praying for this project.

I continue to write Free To Thrive! Yesterday I passed the half way point. I hope to complete this devotion by the end of the summer.

Stay Tuned--- God size things are happening.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well, I did it. I joined the rest of the world by creating a Facebook account. I think it is goign to take some time but so far I like it. I can see how easy it is to get sucked into the Facebook world and spend way too much time reading other peoples thoughts. So, I am going to try to remain balanced by checking my Wall once or twice a day. We will see!

This is the last week of school. Can you believe it? Summer will be here soon and we will be doing all the great things summer has to offer. I look forward to swimming at the pool, cooking on the grill, and taking a family vacation. Due to the rain, we will be playing a lot of make up baseball. I hope we can get it all in before it is too hot.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summer Plans

Well, I set a pretty bold deadline for Free To Thrive! If you remember, I planned to have this new 40 day devotional for women on the go complete by the end of may. Let me just go ahead and say--- I have let myself off the hook. There is no way I can do a good job and complete Free To Thrive! by the end of this month. So, I am giving myself this summer (I hope by the end of June) to complete this new project.

I am really looking forward to the summer. The boys are older and I can take them to do more activities. Silver Dollar City, Wild River Country, and a local swimming pool are on the top of our summer "to do" list. I think we will have a fun summer.

Speaking of summertime fun---- I am writing my July column for Women's Inc. The July theme is Summertime Fun. This theme made me think how easy it is to plan all kinds of fun summer events and leave God out of the mix. Therefore, the article will challenge women to add a passion to know Jesus Christ to the top of their summertime "to do" list. I pray this article challenges women in their summer routine. I know I have been challenged by the concept.

Yesterday I had a phone conversation with Ron M from Brussels, Belgium. Ron is my point person for the mission trip I will be taking in July/August. Jay and I will be traveling to Germany in order to minister to missionaries who serve in Western Europe. I will be teaching the women's Bible Study for the week. Can I just say---- I am very excited about this trip.

As I talked to Ron, the Lord confirmed in my heart the primary reason I am going. I am going to let these ladies know that I love them and that they are not alone in their work. As I spoke these words to Ron, I could tell he appreciated them. At the same time, I knew the Lord was giving me a clear call--- "Andrea, go and love them." I will do just that. I will also trust that the Lord will give us an amazing week in His Word.

I pray that you are having an amazing week in God's Holy Word. Don't let the busyiness of life stand in the way of digging into God's Word and finding everything you need in order to make it through your day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Weekend Review

This last weekend was great! Friday night I traveled to the small town of Oden, Arkansas. Oden Baptist Church invited me to speak at a banquet honoring the women of their church. I had a wonderful time with the women. I was inspired by the people who attend this small church. Not too long ago, they were running 16 people on a Sunday morning. Now, they are up to 50! Praise the Lord. This summer they will host a VBS that reaches over 120 children.

Often we think small churches do not have a chance to make an impact. I do not believe that is the case. Small churches have a unique opportunity to meet the needs of the people in their community. I am thankful for Oden and their desire to reach men, women, and children with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Saturday morning, I spoke at a Mother's Day Brunch at Beryl Baptist in Vilonia. The crowd was huge and they were ready for a Word. I love it when I walk into a building and I can "feel" the presence of the Lord. As I got up to speak, the Lord laid a clear Word on my heart for the women. It was not the Word I had planned to share. Yes, it was similar but I was surprised by the Lord's direction. As I was sharing the Word I was trusting the Lord to make it all come together in the end. And of course, He did!

This weekend wrapped up my speaking schedule for the first half of the year. I will have the next month and a half off and then return to speaking in July. In the mean time, I am working hard on the new devotional called Free To Thrive! I am loving every minute of this project and cannot wait to see the final copy. God is speaking a clear Word to women and I am grateful He is allowing me to be a part of the process.

I promise I will update the blog soon! Check back over the summer and I will share some of the family happenings.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A New Project!

I am pleased to announce that I am working on a new project!

The new project is called Free To Thrive! I am so excited to tell you all about this new resource. Free To Thrive! is a 40 day devotion designed for women on the go. Each devotion provides spiritual meat for women who long to grow spiritually but only have a few minutes to spend in the Word. In fact, each devotion is designed to take 8 minutes or less!

Here is a portion of the intro page: (This is still in rough draft form!)

"The formula for this devotion is simple. Each day you will be asked to Read It!, Think About It!, and Respond To It! This simple approach allows you to take a close look at a spiritual truth and then respond to that truth in your life. The 40 devotions are power packed and designed to speak to the heart of those who long to have freedom in their lives. Galatians 5:1 provides the key point for this study. It states, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

Galatians 5:1 teaches that freedom is available today! In fact, Jesus valued your freedom so much that He gave His life in order to secure it. This truth should cause you to stop and think. No longer do you have to remain bound up in slavery. Freedom has been purchased and is offered to you.

In your walk with Christ, the choice between slavery and freedom is yours. Will you apply the freedom that Christ offers or will you remain in the slavery the world creates? Free to Thrive! invites you to choose freedom every single day of the week."

I hope to have this devotion finished by the end of May. (YIKES that is soon!) If you would like to be a part of the test group, please let me know. I will need around 5-7 ladies to work through each devotion and provide feedback.

On another note, I want you to know that I love you and I am praying for you today. Allow me to share a verse of scripture with you--- "He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty." Psalm 91:1. You know what I love about this verse? Dwelling leads to rest. So today, if you need a little rest in your heart and in your life, dwell in the presence of our Almighty God!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A bad day turns good!

Do you ever have one of those days when you need a little encouragement? I was having one of those days yesterday. Let me just go on record and say that yesterday was an all around "blah" kind of day! I did not feel well, I was exhausted because I not gotten much sleep the previous night, and the new Women's Inc Magazine hit the stands and I felt like my article made no sense! (Great time to do a last minute check!) It was just one of those days! I was grumpy, tired, anxious, and generally in a bad mood.

To make things worse, I was suppose to spend yesterday preparing for a speaking engagement that is coming up this Saturday. As I sat at my computer, I could not get focused. I tried everything---prayer, praise and worship, even extra Bible reading. But on a day like yesterday, nothing seemed to work. All day I wanted to throw my hands in the air and yell, "I quit!"

Then in the afternoon I received an email from a friend. The email was totally out of the blue and certainly unexpected. The email simply read--- "I just love your blog and am so glad God laid it upon your heart to create it. I love the Romans 8:28 blog on April 20th. I’ve been feeling down lately... and I know I shouldn’t. I’ve certainly let Satan slip in several times down this road we’re traveling and I know in my heart that God has a purpose. I keep seeing little “pick-me-ups” here and there and know that God is saying everything will be fine if we just trust in Him. Your blog on this verse was a great uplift!! Thanks for all you do with your ministry."

Wow! I really needed an electronic hug and I got one. I also needed the reminder that Romans 8:28 provides, All things work together for good--- even bad days!

Today has been a much better day. I was able to get a good start on the speaking outline for this weekend. More importantly, the Lord kept my eyes focused on Him not my feelings. Thank you Lord for that!

I do have one funny thing to tell you--- I picked Andrew up from pre-school this morning and he looked at me and said, "mom, you need to shave your whiskers." hmmmmm, I will have to check on that!

I hope you are having a good day!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Boys and Baseball!

Baseball season is in full swing and I love it! I love everything about baseball--- the boys learning how to work together as a team, the parents cheering them on, and the thrill of a win. Speaking of a win, Jake's team got their first "W" last night. It was so much fun!

Jake plays catcher and he did a great job defending home plate. He also had three great hits. One hit went to the fence and he made it all the way to third base. I believe they call that a triple in baseball lingo. I do not know who was more excited, Jake or me! In fact, when I was putting Jake to bed, he mentioned how I was jumping up and down while he was running the bases. I guess I do get a little excited but I think of it as a good work out plan!

Andrew kicks off his baseball career next weekend. Of course, he is playing the kinder gentler T Ball but it will still be fun to cheer him on.

As I think about boys and baseball, I want to share a thought from the Women's Inc article that I am currently working on. The topic of the magazine is men and I wrote about the importance of lifting up our men with the words we use.

This article was challenging for me to write because it called for me to be very honest. Why is it so hard for us to lift up the men in our lives? Perhaps pride plays a key role in the interfering process. Pride keeps our eyes on ourselves and our perceived needs.

In contrast to pride, we find humility. Humility focuses on the other person in the process and challenges us to first think about their needs. Philippians 2:3-4 states, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others." Looking to the interest of others is hard. Why? As sinful fallen people, we look out for number one. This is true even in our marriages and our parenting routine. Often women dig in their heals and refuse to meet another persons needs until they perceive that their needs have been met. Scripture confronts this type of living and calls it sinful.

How can we meet the needs of the men in our lives? Allow me to share a few thoughts that have been helpful to me:
  • Pray for Them!: Pray daily for the men in your life. Pray for your husband to love Jesus with all of his heart. Pray for your son to be a man of integrity.
  • Brag about Them!: Brag about your guys to the important people in their lives. A few examples include your husbands parents and your sons close friends. Don’t forget to brag to your close friends and family members too.
  • Support Them!: Support the decisions your husband makes. Do not undermine your husband in front of your children or wait for the chance to tell your husband, “I told you so.” Give your son space to make decisions in his life. Encourage your son in the decisions he has made even if they do not work out.
  • Respect Them!: Men’s number one need is respect. Respect involves giving special attention to someone or holding a person in high regard. One way to respect your husband involves making a special effort to meet his needs. As you make this effort, do not tell him what you are doing. Instead, make the effort not expecting anything in return. For your son, respect him by granting him the opportunity to be the person God has called him to be. Do not force your plans, dreams, and desires onto his life. Rather, allow your son the chance to follow the Lord’s leading in his life.

This week I am praying and asking the Lord to help me function out of humility. I invite you to join me in this process. As you do, feel free to post about your experience. I will be praying for you!

Monday, April 20, 2009

God's Good Will

This morning during my quiet time I was reminded about the goodness of our God. I was studying Romans chapters 7 and 8. I came to Romans 8:28 and this familiar verse fell on me with a freshness that I found surprising. Romans 8:28 states, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

If you are like me, you have heard this verse so many times that it tends to become routine. But today, I want to challenge you to hear this verse with a new resolve. Allow me to share a few thoughts about this verse.

  1. "And we know"--- The fact that we can know that God is real, that He loves us, and that He has a clear plan for our lives, should bring a level of peace into our hearts and minds as we face unknown situations and circumstances in our lives. This fact brings peace to my heart as I currently face my own set of unknowns. If I can be very honest, and I know that I can, unknowns can bring a sense of stress, anxiety, and apprehension into my walk with the Lord. I will admit that I know what it is like to lay awake at night and think about all the "what ifs." Today, I choose to stand against this sinful habit and know that God is real, that He loves me, and that He has a plan for my life.
  2. "that in all things"--- The next phrase brings a deep sigh of relief in my heart. The concept of all things working together for a bigger purpose is truly amazing. Simply put, God is not limited by you or by me. Praise His holy name! God is in control and there is nothing you or I can do to mess Him up. If so, He would be dependent upon us rather than us being dependent up on Him. I love the fact that God is big. Look at the picture of God in the garden with Adam and Eve. Even though Adam and Eve messed up, who was in control??? God. You see, from the beginning, God had a plan. God was in control of every detail. As I think and wonder about the unknowns in my life, I can know that in all things God is working and moving. There is no area in my life where God is not attentive and aware of the things going on in my life.
  3. "God works"---Not only is God aware of the things going on in life, He is working and moving in our lives. Yes, even the unknowns that keep us uncomfortable and in desperate need for Him, God is moving. Allow this concept to bring peace into your questioning heart. God is at work in your life and He is at work right now. Why don't you take a few moments and thank Him for the work He is doing in your life. If you are facing an unknown situation, take that situation to the Lord and ask Him to help you see it from His perspective not your own.
  4. "for the good"--- When God works He works for good. This is a Biblical concept that we can stake our claim on. No matter what is going on in life, in God's eyes, it can and will be for a good purpose. This truth is written all over the pages of God's Holy Word. Even in the most desperate of times, God is working for good. The good will of God is often seen in our lives as we walk through unknown situations and circumstances, claiming a promise from God's Word, and as a result coming to a deeper abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. You see, the very purpose of our time on earth is not to make a name for ourselves or experience all that the world has to offer. Rather, our time on this earth is designed to bring us to the place where we are conformed to the very image of Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:29) Therefore, every situation that we face becomes a good work of God as we recognize that God is calling us to look more like to Him, act more like Him, and reflect His very work in our lives.
  5. "of those who love and have been called according to his purpose"---The final phrase from Romans 8:28, represents our part in the puzzle. We are the called of God. We have been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ and as a result we are loved and used for His glory alone. In the face of unknown situations and circumstances, this truth should ring in our ears. We are the loved of God. We are the called of God. As a result, we need to make our lives about the unfolding story of God. This focus changes everything as we begin to seek Him in a way that causes us to abandon our very selves. As we seek His name and His story, we find complete freedom to live our lives with a new sense of focus as we make everything about Him. When this occurs, the way we pray changes---"Lord, not my will, but Thy will be done." When this occurs, the way we look at people changes--- "Lord, use me to teach them about You." When this occurs, the way we look at the unknowns in our lives changes. In fact, the unkowns are no longer in control of our lives as we see everything through God's perspective--- "Lord, whether you move this way or that way, I praise Your Name!"

So today, as you go about your day, hear the words of the Lord, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose." Dear sister, please know that I am praying for you this day.

As I close this post, I want to invite you to leave your thoughts about Romans 8:28.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

McPherson Prison

Yesterday I spent the day at McPherson Prison in Newport, Arkansas. The day began very early. I left my home around 4:45am and picked up my friend Tammy Fletcher in Beebe. We arrived at the prison at 6:45. We entered the prison and went through the process of checking in. Once cleared, we made our way to the P.A.L. barrack.

As we entered the barrack, the lights were out but the Spirit of God was bright. The women were singing praise and worship songs and I instantly felt at home. As I watched the women worshiping the Lord, I felt tears gather in my eyes. I was overwhelmed because I saw and heard genuine worship. Not the kind of worship that I often see in the free world but worship that is born out of desperation. Women were on their knees with their faces to the ground. Others were lifting up their hands and crying out to God. What a moving sight!

The morning went by quickly with teaching by Chaplin Dewitt. Around 11:30 the women lined up to go to lunch. Tammy and I were in for the full experience as we took our place in line and headed to the lunch room. If I can be very honest, the food was truly awful. What amazed me was that several of the women said it was a "good day" regarding the food. My my, I am spoiled.

Following lunch, Tammy and I had the great honor of visiting other areas of the prison and ministering to the women through prayer. God ordained some incredible visits and I was just in awe of the women He brought across our paths. One area we went in was called the in take area. This is the area where new prisoners are housed until they are placed in a more permanent location. The women in this area were open for prayer because they were still trying to grasp their current situation in life. We prayed with two women but soon had to leave.

In the afternoon, Tammy and I had the chance to teach God's Word. The women were open and hungry for spiritual food. I spoke on Psalm 25:15. This verse states, "My eyes are ever on the Lord for only He will release my feet from the snare." This verse, penned by David, challenges believers to examine their focus in life. In a sense--- asking the questions, "What are we looking to?" and "What are we looking for?" Scripture taught that the answer to these questions should be--- THE LORD! As I spoke, the Lord gave me a clear challenge for the ladies--- "If you are looking forward to your physical freedom more than you are looking to the Lord, you are missing the great opportunity to experience spiritual freedom right here behind bars." The women received this strong Word with an open heart!

Soon Tammy and I left the prison and headed home. I will confess that Sonic was our first stop following our departure. A cheeseburger and coke hit the spot after our long day!

Today, as I think back on the day, my heart breaks for many of the women I met. I think about the young women who are going to be in prison for the rest of their lives. Oh, how, I want to just wave my hand over their situations and make things better. I think about the mothers who are missing valuable years in their children's lives and I want to jump in the middle of each situation and make the hurt go away. I think about the women who still do not "get it" and I want to grab each of them and force them to understand God's amazing grace. I think about the precious lady who is spending the next 5 years of her life in prison instead of sitting in her Bible Study class at her home church and I want to ask, "why Lord--- why did this have to happen to her?"

Even as these thoughts run through my mind, I hear the precious truth of God's Holy Word deep inside my heart. For many of these women, prison will be the best thing that ever happened to them. The reason why--- prison will be the avenue God uses to bring them into a deeper abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. Because of this fact, we can know that prison becomes a place of hope and rescue for many women. What an amazing paradox we see in this thought--- physical bondage which ultimately brings spiritual freedom. Lord may it be!

Today as I sit at my computer and ask, "What can I learn from my prison experience?" The answer is found in the same truth--- often the difficult situations in my life provide an avenue for God to bring me into a deeper abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. This occurs in my life as I look to the Lord every single day. As I surrender to the teaching found in Psalm 25:15, "My eyes are ever on the Lord for only He will release my feet from the snare."

Dear sister, as you read this blog, the same truth is available in your life. As you fix your eyes on the Lord, you too can experience freedom no matter how bound your circumstances make you feel. In short, spiritual freedom is available and it is available right now. If you want that freedom, follow the teachings of God's Holy Word. Fix your eyes on the Lord Jesus and know that He longs to deliver you from any snare or trap that you have fallen in to.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Heber Springs Baptist Church

WOW! Is the word that comes to mind as I reflect on this past weekend. I had the great privilege to travel to Heber Springs, AR and lead a womens conference for Heber Springs Baptist Church. I say WOW for many reasons. Allow me to share a few--

~ Over 100 women came to the conference!
~ For several of the women, this was the first womens conference they had attended.
~ When I arrived at the church on Friday night, the womens leadership team was prayer walking every inch of the building. As soon as I walked in the door, the women laid their hands on me and began to pray. I felt so covered by the Lord's presence.
~ Jay and the boys came with me and we enjoyed time with our close friends Casey and Felicia Stone.
~ My family was invited to spend the night at Lindsey's Resort. Imagine a cabin on the river it was amazing!
~ The women arrived at the church on Saturday morning with open hearts to God's Word.
~ I sensed a real freedom to share the Word God had placed on my heart.
~ The Holy Spirit spoke life changing lessons to the women. I know because many of the women grabbed me and shared what God was teaching them through out the day.
~ The day ended with all 100 women taking part in a time of prayer. It was truly moving to see and hear the women praying to the Lord.
~ I was overwhelmed with love from the women. In fact, Glenda Turley, a famous artist and member of HSBC, provided a picture for me to bring home and place on my wall. The picture is beautiful and will always be a reminder of my time at HSBC.

I praise the Lord for the weekend and give Him all the glory.

Tomorrow morning I will be heading to Newport, Arkansas to minister to the women of McPherson Prison. My good friend, Tammy will be joining me. Please pray for Tammy and myself. Pray for the love of our Lord to extend through us to the women of McPherson. Pray for instant rapport and a God size day. To Him be all the glory!

Thank you for your love for the Lord. May you be filled with His mercy and grace as you live your life for Him!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Jet Lag!!

If you have taken part in international travel, you know about jet lag. I relate jet lag to a fuzzy cloud that hangs around for a couple of days. You long to come out of the clouds but you do not know how. Thankfully, the clouds are starting to lift in my life and my body is responding to central standard time. PTL!

Last week I had the amazing chance to travel across the world and take part in another culture. My life was changed from this experience. Words escape me as I try to assign value to this experience. I was completely changed by the people I met, the things I learned, and the hand of God moving in me and around me. The Spirit of God fanned a flame inside of my heart that keeps me longing for the time when I can return to that place and teach more and more people about Jesus.

During my visit to this far off place, I sat in a church service that was not my own. As I sat, I felt tears gathering in the corners of my eyes. As these dear people sang the song At The Cross, in a language I could not begin to speak, clarity made its way into my heart. All believers in Jesus Christ serve the same God. All believers in Jesus Christ place their hope in His death and resurrection from the grave. And as a result, all of us find our great need for Him at the foot of the cross. Listen to these words--- "At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light, and the burden of my heart rolled away, it was there by faith I received my sight, and now I am happy all the day!" Thank You Lord.

Truly my life was changed. I thank you for your prayers and kind support. The body of Christ is an amazing thing and we need to know that it is much larger than what we can see or measure. I can testify that God is at work around this world. As Americans we need to know this truth--- even when we think things are falling apart, He is in control. Today, I want to challenge you to join me in living every single day of your life for His glory, His Name, and His Kingdom alone. Let's pray.

Grant each of your children a heart that beats to the sound of Your voice. May we know that You are big and that You are in control. Lord, give each of us a heart that desires to go in Your name--- whether that is in our neighborhoods or around our world. May our lives be about You and You alone. Lord, take us to the next level in our love and devotion to You. Lord, make us effective in the mighty name of Jesus! AMEN.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Upcoming Week


Please pray for me this week. I will be traveling and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ! Pray for safety, good health, and God's amazing presence every step of the way. Thank you so much for being a part of True Vine Ministry!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Weekend Retreat

This weekend I will be leading a retreat for Red River Baptist Association. The theme for the retreat will be, "Walking With God." In this retreat, the ladies are challenged to view their lives as a journey--- a journey home. Please pray for the ladies to have an open heart to the Word of God. Please pray for me to remain sensitive to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit.

The prep for this retreat has been a challenge. That is okay. I know God will get all the glory as He has faithfully reminded me that it is never about my ability but always about His mighty power accomplishing His mighty work.

As the Lord leads, please ask the Lord to speak through each session. The titles include--- A Prompted Heart, The Anything and Everything of Life, and Rejoicing All The Way Home.

Last Week


I thought I would take a minute and catch everyone up on happenings from last week!

On Thursday night, I attended the fifth anniversary party for Women's Inc. I have not taken the time to blog about Women's Inc, so I will do so now. Almost a year ago, I received an email from Lori Quinn, editor of Women's Inc. Lori had received my name from her mother, Kathy Windle, as a possible candidate to write the magazines spiritual column. I was truly honored by the request. Before I accepted, I knew I wanted to talk to Marilyn Mathis. Marilyn had written the column in the past and out of respect for our friendship, I wanted to run the idea past her. I decided I would talk to Marilyn and then get back in touch with Lori. About an hour after that decision, I ran to Target to pick up a few items. I pulled into a parking space and right in front of me sat Marilyn Mathis. I jumped out of the car and talked to Marilyn. Marilyn was so very supportive of me writing for the magazine. With that conversation behind me, I accepted the offer from Lori.

Over the last year, I have loved every opportunity Women's Inc. has provided. I have talked to women I might never have talked to. The Lord has allowed me to share His Word with women who might not read the Bible for themselves. I am always amazed by the fact that women actually read the column! It is not uncommon for me to receive a phone call, email, note, or encouraging word from a reader. I am so thankful for Women's Inc. and the commitment the magazine displays to have a spiritual column.

On Sunday night, I had the great opportunity to return to Second Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Arkansas for another celebration. Joe Francis, the minister of music at SBC, celebrated 25 years in ministry. Joe is a dear friend and a wonderful servant leader. I have many fond memories of working on staff with Joe.

As I walked around the fellowship hall greeting dear friends, I was reminded how much I love and miss the Second Jacksonville Family. SBC Jaxs will always be dear to me. My heart was changed in so many ways while I served the Lord at that place. The people were so gracious to me and loved me even when I made mistakes. I am glad that I am close enough to visit the dear people of SBC Jacksonville. May God continue to bless that Church for His Glory alone.

That wraps up my week in review. I pray you had a wonderful week too!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What A Day! Part 3

Last night Jay's dad came down and offered to watch the boys while Jay and I went out to dinner. (You can guess how long it took us to jump at that offer!) Jay and I had dinner with some very close friends--- Todd and Tammy Fletcher. Allow me to share a little about my friend Tammy.

Tammy and I had a "chance" meeting about 7 years ago. We were at a women's retreat at Camp Paron, Arkansas. I remember meeting Tammy and thinking that she was very sharp. We met again a year later at a scrapbook party. It was then that I realized that Tammy was also crafty. Little did I know the importance Tammy would play in my life.

Fast forward about 5 years. Tammy and I met again while I served as interim Minister of Education at Second Baptist Church in Jacksonville, AR. I remember my first official day on the job. Jimmie Sheffield, my good friend/mentor, had hired me to serve as his right hand "gal" during the interim process. (Let me say, God was so in all of that. My life has been so blessed by my friendship with Jimmie!) As Jimmie was showing me the church, Tammy was in the fellowship hall setting up for an event. As Jimmie introduced us, I instantly remembered Tammy. Over the next two years, Tammy and I became very close friends.

What I love about my friendship with Tammy is our common bond in serving God's people and soaking up God's Word. Tammy has an incredible call on her life to teach women the Word of God.

Tammy has written and is in the process of refining a Bible Study called Exposing The Heart. This study deals with the emotions of the flesh and how we can crucify these emotions in order to have a Christ-like response. (this is a major paraphrase) Tammy is currently teaching this study at her home church and will be leading a women's conference in October on this topic. If you would like more info on Tammy and her ministry, let me know and I will put you in touch with her.

Last night as we ate dinner, we enjoyed incredible friendship and fun. We laughed till our sides hurt. I know Jay and I left the night feeling so thankful for wonderful friends. Oh, and the food, it was fabulous. Of course, we will have to eat PB&J for the rest of the week. That's okay, it was worth it for the wonderful food at Brave New Restaurant.

What a day! Part 2

Yesterday for lunch, I met the most amazing woman. Her name is Stacey Smith. Stacey is the Program Coordinator for Prison to Purpose. Prison to Purpose is a Bible based program for women who serve time at McPherson Prison in Newport, Ar. What I love about Stacey and her story is the fact that she was an inmate at McPherson Prison. While serving a 60 year sentence, Stacey met Jesus and soon her life was radically transformed. God allowed Stacey to parole after serving 12 years.

As Stacey shared her story with me, I was struck by her wisdom and her willingness to go anywhere and share the Good News. Today, Stacey travels and speaks to women both inside the prison and outside the prison. Her testimony for Christ is truly powerful. I was so blessed to meet her and pray with her. Please pray for Stacey as she continues to serve the Lord. If you would like more info about Stacey and her ministry, let me know.

While Stacey and I were having lunch, she invited me to speak at the prison. I was so excited I would have gone with her yesterday! However, April 9th appears to be a better date. I cannot wait! "Thank you Lord for the amazing opportunity to teach Your Holy Word to women who are ready to hear about Your love, grace, forgiveness, and restoration."

I will keep you posted on this!

What a day! Part 1

I just have to share about my day yesterday--- it was amazing! It was so amazing that I am going to deal with the day in two different posts.

Yesterday morning began with a meeting at First Baptist Church in Mayflower. My dear friend and mentor, Jimmie Sheffield, serves as interim pastor at FBC Mayflower. Jimmie and I met to go over the final revisions for Reflecting His Glory.

Reflecting His Glory is a Bible study that I have written for women. The study is 8weeks in length and covers Romans 12:2. "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--- his good, pleasing, and perfect will."

I am so excited about this study. I finished the majority of the writing over the summer. Since that time, friends and family members have graciously worked through the study and provided much needed feedback. Jimmie has read through the study at least 5 times and served as my first round editor. (Thank you Jimmie!)

I cannot even begin to describe the journey this study represents in my life. I remember the day the Lord called me to write the study. I was sitting at my computer and thinking about a comment a friend had made to me following a retreat. My friend had said, "Andrea you should develop session 2 (which was the study on Romans 12:2) into a Bible study for women." As I sat at the computer a few days later, I asked the Lord what He thought about the idea. As I was seeking the Lord, I started to type. In 30 short minutes, I had an outline for the entire Bible study with names for each day's homework. I knew the Lord was up to something so I quickly fell on my knees and put my face to the ground. As I laid with my face to the ground, I surrendered to an unknown process that was bigger than myself.

Over the next two years, the workbook became my number 1 ministry call. Of course, I had retreats and conferences, but the workbook was my main focus. I worked hard every single day. There were ups and downs. I wanted to quit but the Lord said, "keep on going." During this time, I never sensed that I was in it alone. God's Word was so alive and so clear.

The day I completed the Bible study I sat and cried. I thought about the journey and the fact that God had graciously and lovingly changed me through the process. It wasn't that I did not expect Him to change me, I did. I just never imagined the lengths and the depths of the change that His Word and Spirit would bring into my life. What a sweet Savior we serve. A Savior who longs to be in every single part of our lives. A Savior who loves us and calls us to be more and more like Him every single day. Thank you Lord!

As I sat and cried at my computer following the completion of the Bible Study, I once again fell to my knees and placed my face to the ground. While on my face, I gave the study to the Lord in a whole new way. Reflecting His Glory is the Lord's study. Even as I type this sentence, I find a sense of peace and rest knowing that God is in control. I do not know when or how the study will be published, but God knows. I do not know the steps that will lead to that place, but God does. With these truths in my heart, I find my place of rest in Christ alone.

Please join me in asking and expecting God to do more than we can ask or imagine with this study. Please pray for me as well. Pray that I will daily trust the Lord to work and move in the lives of His people for His Glory alone.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A quick hello!

Hey friends,
I hope this entry finds you doing well! Allow me to give you a quick update regarding the happenings at True Vine Ministry. On Monday, I spoke at the W.I.S.E. luncheon hosted by Conway Christian School. I had a great time speaking to the women (and three men) who attended the event. Mothers, grandmothers, teachers, and staff members made up the crowd and everyone was great! We looked at Psalm 33:20-21,"We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name." This passage challenged each us to wait with a since of expectation knowing God will work in our lives, hide behind the Lord instead of trying to make things work on our own, rejoice no matter the situation we face, and trust God's ability and desire to work on our behalf. Thanks to everyone at CCS!

The rest of the week I have been busy preparing handouts for upcoming retreats, writing an article for Women's Inc., and talking with Pastor's/staff members about upcoming ministry opportunities. It has been neat to see how my phone and email have been very busy over the last few days. You know, I never want to take the opportunities that the Lord provides for granted. I also never want to think that I some how made any of them happen. This ministry is the Lord's and I thank Him for the time He allows me to live on this earth and teach His Word.

With all of these thoughts on my mind, this morning I was overcome with a sense of deep gratitude to the Lord. Even though I was a bit stressed out with all my "to do's," I had to stop and praise the Lord. Often, I allow the busyness of my day to get in the way of worshiping my Lord. Today, I did not want that to happen. As I took time to worship, I was reminded that spontaneous times of praise are the best! "Lord, may I praise you more and more as I focus less and less on myself."

Today, as you read this post, I hope the same desire is on your heart--- to focus on Him more and more and your desires less and less.

I love you!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Moving On

Can you believe it is almost the middle of February? Time is really moving forward. Thanks to all of you who prayed for me last night. I had a meaningful time in Arkaldelphia, Arkansas. The weather was yucky but God's presence was good! A special thanks to all the ladies who braved the storm in order to study God's Holy Word.

This week I have been reminded about the sovereignty of God. Aren't you glad that God is in control? I am. I am glad that God is faithful to open doors and close doors. In both cases, God's sovereign control is evident. Today, I bow my head and my heart in order to follow His plan not my own.

Next Monday, I have the great privilege of speaking at the W.I.S.E. Luncheon here in Conway. The luncheon is for women who support Conway Christian School. I am looking forward to this luncheon as we examine our hearts.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Hello Friends! Thank you so much for your prayers. I sensed several of you praying for me as I spoke last Wednesday at Ladies' Lunch Break. The crowd was great. I think we had around 130 ladies. More importantly, God's Spirit was present. I am so thankful. Women's Inc came and covered the event. The photographer was very gracious and took several pictures. Lori Quinn, the editor of Women's Inc, provided copies of the magazine for all the ladies. I enjoyed talking to several of the ladies after the event and look forward to seeing them again.

Tonight I have a speaking engagement in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. This event is provided by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention and will be held at Park Hill Baptist Church. Tonight will be extra special because I will have the chance to meet several women who are planning a retreat that I will be leading in early March.

Of course, the best part of tonight will be opening God's Holy Word with a new group of ladies. We will be studying how to maintain a passionate love relationship with Jesus while living in our busy worlds. This is a session I always need to heart! Please keep tonight's event in your prayers.

I love you!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wednesday Lunch Break

This Wednesday I have the great honor of filling in for Marilyn Mathis. As many of you know, Marilyn has led a community wide Bible Study for 20 years. The study is held on the first Wednesday of each month. Around 150 ladies attend and lunch is served. I am always amazed at how much teaching the Lord allows Marilyn to accomplish in a short amount of time.

This Wednesday we will look at the topic, "Matters of the Heart." I invite you to come and take part in the study of God's Holy Word. The cost is $5.00 and you can pay at the door.

Please pray for me as I finish the lesson preparation. Pray for God to send ladies who have serious matters on their heart. Pray for God to be honored and for the ladies to have an openness to the moving of His Holy Spirit.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend Review

What a weekend! A big thank you to the women of Lake Hamilton Baptist Church. God moved in such a mighty way. I am still praising the Lord this morning. The women at the retreat were incredible. The Ladies of Lake Hamilton had reached out to other churches in the community and invited them to take part in the retreat. At least six churches were represented!

Friday night was a "tough" session but good. God had clearly instructed me to talk about sin and the effect sin has on our walks with Him. The story of David counting the fighting men provided the opportunity for us to delve deep into our hearts and examine ways we allow self-sufficiency to reign instead of God-sufficiency. The ladies were so open to this strong word from the Lord. Many of them shared specific ways the Holy Spirit had spoken to their hearts. I told the ladies that I also heard a strong word from the Lord. In fact, I had trouble going to sleep on Friday night because I was processing all the ways that I had turned from God and relied on myself during the prior week.

Saturday morning, the Lord woke me up with a strong passion to teach His Word. I was so thankful for that. Each retreat is different. Sometimes I wake up and think, "Lord I can't do this." (which is true!) Other times I wake up and can't wait to get back to the church and open God's Word. This weekend I was glad that I had the latter response. I was also thankful to see the women had returned with the same excitement. After Friday night, I prayed God would give the women a desire to keep digging into His Word.

The first session on Saturday dealt with practical ways to remain focused on the Lord during our daily lives. We studied Psalm 101:2-4 and found the call to live a careful life. The goal God had laid on my heart for this session was to provide tangible ways to renew. I shared many of the disciplines God has called me to practice in my life.

The final session on Saturday was so very special. The Holy Spirit was clearly working as we opened God's Word to the book of Ezra. In this session we studied the call God had placed on the heart of Ezra and Ezra's response to this call. In short, we found that we must answer the calls in our lives not out of our strength but out of God's courage.

I continue to pray for the women of Lake Hamilton and thank God for their friendship, love, support, and encouragement. I will be returning to this precious Church in December. However, I will see many of the ladies before December. God in His goodness and grace has opened up other doors for me to minister in the Hot Springs area. All I can say is, "thank you Lord."